MARINE REVIEW SSA DR DERE OL i i a REAR SO OE IEE I LTTE RTO EA ATT February, 1925 No matter what port your ships may touch, you can J aANCOUVET, B. C. contract in advance for deliveries of Gargoyle Marine Oils. 30Q) economy stations at your service A LEADING ports of the world are alike in one respect. Jhey all stand ready to supply out- going ships with Gargoyle Marine Oils. More ships call for Gargoyle Marine: Oils at more ports than for any other brand of marine lubricants in the world. There are many reasons for this. The surety of quick deliveries of oil at all ports—the certainty of uniform and reliable quality—and the definite economies brought about by the use of Gargoyle Marine Oils on all types of marine equipment. These economies are the result of: —fewer repairs and replacements —savings in horsepower —savings in oil consumption resulting from the supertor lubricating characteristics of the oils themselves. We shall be glad to have an experienced representative prescribe the correct lubrication that will assure these economies. He will also explain in detail the practical advantages of the special purchasing agreement out- lined in column at right. Kindly address our head office in New York. gRGOe Marine Oils — A grade for each type of service \ fi. Cl Jt JM OIL COMP, A NY Specialists in the manufacture of high-grade lubricants for every class of machinery. Obtainable everywhere in the world. What the Gargoyle Marine Oil Agreement means to Shipowners all over the world Through its ‘memorandum of agreement” the Vacuum Oil Company offers you an econom- ical and effective plan for the correct lubrication of your fleet as a unit. FIRST STEP: Our representa- tives confer with you on the lubrication needs of your in- dividual ships. The oils which we recommend will be scientifically correct for each engine and machine. SECOND STEP: We prepare an agreement with you, under which we will contract to deliver the required oil when and where wanted—at any port on any date. By this fleet-plan of lubrication, doubt and uncertainty as to quality of lubrication are done away with. Uncertain deliveries are guarded against. All the financing of your entire supply of oil is taken care of through your head office. Our representative will be glad io give you further details, NEW YORK, U.S.A. Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers