Marine Business Statistics Condensed Port Traffic Record Record of Traffic Through Panama Canal Atlantic to Pacific traffic Pacific to Atlantic traffic Total traffic through cana! Portland, Oreg. ——Panama Canal Panama Canal Panama Canal (Exclusive of Domestic) No.of Net Tonsof No.of Net Tonsof No, of Net Tons of < Patranetes~ 1 -Clearances=- ships tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo ships tonnage cargo No. Net No. Net 1924 Month ships tonnage ships tonnage damien 94 gee 284,850 81 429,037 687,581 175 995,026 972,431 | 1924. 17 64,756 29 115,186 oreign 104 459,388 325,310 105 458,117 663,852 209 917,505 989,162 Novamber et 27 108'529 «36 ~—«137,696 Totals 198 985,377 610,160 186 887,154 1,351,433 384 1,872,531 1,961,593 October ......+- 24 92,077, 43 159,017 October American 91 499,269 243,004 100 517,428 813,773 191 1,016,697 1,056,777 September ..... 26 yee : ae Foreign 107 478,460 355,401 95 428,793 605,802 202 907,253 961,203 a see eeeeee - Hey fee aaltos Totals 198 977,729 598,405 195 946,221.1,419,575 393 1,923,950 2,017,980 une .......... 20 72,801 29 104,309 September American 101 538,461 217,845 104 577,306 969,667 205 1,115,767 1,187,512 Reh aaa ie. 16 58,889 21 72,663 Foreign 92 451,676 346,610 98 408,770 578,142 190 860,446 924,752 Bel 26 90,286 33 115,504 Totals 193 990,137 564,455 202 986,0761,547,809 395 1,976,213 2,112,264 ie ee 27 tet 6 4s~—«30's28 «= August American 102 575,780 241,567 94 504,003 829,934 196 1,079,783 1,071,507 a. ee rey et 97°674 Foreign 89 408,637 290,136 87 413,475 596,842 176 822,112 886,978 feccnbe: 1083" +5 99°748 34 120°487 Total 191 984,417 531,703 181 917,4781,426,776 372 1,901,985 1,958,479 July American 114 603,339 297,625 114 588,560 897,949 228 1,191,899 1,195,574 Seattle Foreign 104 460,039 355,339 90 384,159 546,241 194 844,198 901,580 . Ros Totals 218 1,063,378 652,964 204 972,719 1,444,190 422 2,036,097 2,097,154 (Exclusive of Domestic June American 103 546,903 250,651 104 559,615 908,343 207 1,10 eee any =o ; ; ; ; ,106,518 1,158,994 oe . Foreign 90 434,266 346,111 80 387,255 $17:745 170 821,521 856 Since Sy ee ica. bea Totals 193 981,169 596,762 184 946,8701,426,088 377 1,928,039 2,002. "350 ber, 1924. 36 164,991 45 181,849 May American 108 580,686 318,891 112 586,9711,015,608 220 1,167,657 1,334,499 ee: nae 40 203,891 45 194,766 Foreign 101 470,938 393,453 96 447,075 ‘626,034 197 918,013 1,019,487 October 55...5.. a6 475,726. 48° 198.037 Totals 209 1,051,624 712,344 208 1,034/046 1,641,642 417 2,085,670 2,353,986 September ..... 48 193,049 41 168,504 April American 116 644,601 313,744 116 609,241 982,701 232 ‘1,253,842 1,296,445 August ........ 35 =: 149,904 naa Foreign 86 391,997 321,285 85 407,332 540,991 171 799,329 862,276 July Peni e Byoene 2 ree Totals 202 1,036,598 635,029 201 1,016,573 1,523,692 403 2,053,171 2,158,721 Seer : May i eines 46 188,853 43 177,581 March American 118 622,730 328,370 117 628,038 1,044,524 235 1,250,768 1,372,894 Bonk occas ara 46 196,591 53 220,763 Foreign 94 432,942 295,178 100 452,369. 604,400 194 885,311 899,578 Match ..5.2:.:; 57 286,620 45 191,152 Totals © 212 1,055,672 623,548 217 -1,080,407 1,648,924 429 2,136,079 2,272,472 February ...... 48 189,146 54 213,851 Webciaty A . { 7 y American 105 564,637 314,419 115 633,608 1,036,697 220 1,198,245 1,351,116 i ovat Gage < ely res a] ret Foreign 114 535,277 365,396 84 375,357 527,104 198 910,634 892, ecember, . , , Totals 219 1,099,914 679,815 199 1,008,965 1,563,801 418 2,108,879 2,243,616 [ Port | fArthur January American 132 718,017 335,654 120 645,7701,066,254 252 1,363,787 1,401,908 Foreign 121 555,220 346,658 103 481,033 678,766 ‘224 1,036,253 1,025,424 (Exclusive of Domestic) Totals 25'3.1,273,237 682,312 223 1,126,803) 1,745,020 4716 2,400,040 2,427,332 —Entrances— —Clearances 1923 - No. Net No. Net : ee 4 December American 143 760,701 316,251 127 708,1261,115,399 270 1,468,827 1,431,650 po ae ie ee ofeign 135 607,041 418,027 101 440,623 644,957 . 236 1,047,664 1,062,984 Decsales Ot toreah 4g g0Te6 Totals 278 1,367,742 734,278 228 1,148,749 1,760,356 506 2,516,491 2,494,634 October... 2... 47~—«:144,763 «54 ~—«159,034 November American 116 627,115 323,129 128 680,833 1,108,292 244 1,307,948 1,431,421 September ..... 42 120,636 38 105,700 Foreign 115 537,180 309,785 77 348,737 477,089 192 885,917 786,874 August ......-- 42 116,626 32 89,698 Totals 231 1,164,295 632,914 205 1,029,5701,585,381 436 2,193,865 2,218,295 Mie a 47 130,595 4 : vite Le: 54 146,819 43 131,654 Voss a ac May. 2s csicnsie eos 50 143,452 40 105,296 1924 7 De eee 46 105,294 49 tao’ess ~4«November American 35 221,439 0 a 7,988 0 37 221,616 0 eo sae” odes e116 Lt Foreign 26 93,815 0 Arc 7 9u8 0. 30. 201808 0 bee al oe ap see akg Totals 61 315.254 0 6: 8,165 0 6 -a23,419 0 December, 1923.. 40 124,574 44 144,733 October American 37 231,183 0 2 4,905 0 39 236,088 0 Foreign 23 79,902 0 6 10,009 0 425° sogit 0 Totals 60 311,085 0 8 14,914 0 68 325,999 0 : Bid September American 47 271,374 0 H 4,107 0 48 275,481 0 River Boat Bids Foreign 17 94,556 0 3 8,954 6 2h ton ste 0 : Totals 64 365,930 0 4 13,061 0 68 378,991 0 The Nashville Bridge Co. is the low Agoust Amedcah . 47 205953 0 0 0 0 47 : 298,753 0 hid i two tow- Foreign 72 75,804 0 0 0. 811 0 bidder for the construction of Totels 64 371'364 0 0 0 0 64 371,564 0 es Oe ae te come A io river. e company’s oreign : : "430 ieee: on the Ohio poe ae a oe Totals 72 396,835 0 10 11,831 0 82 408,666 0 bid for the two ‘oats a ; ime American 48 179,161 0 0 0 0 48 979,16) 0 $127,480. The Howard Shipyards & Foreign 15 81,465 0 2 5,072 0 17.” 85,547 fe D. D. Co., Madison, Ind., is the low bid- Totals 63 360,626 0 2. $072 0 65 © 365,698 0 ( f ey ’ ” ; : May American 48 277,628 0 1 209 0 49 277,837 0 der for the construction of the steel Pecan 13717134 0 3. «4,635 0 16 75,679 0 hulls. Its bid was $25,473 for hulls Totals 61 348,762 0 4 4,844 0 65 353,516 0 he Howard April | American 57 340,185 0 2 5473 0 59 345,658 0 of two boats. In the event oe Mean 8 Gee 0 4 9,735 o. 20 | fe 0 company’s bid is accepted, the govern- Totals 73 405,557 ft) 6 15,208 0 79 420,765 0 ment will build the superstructure of gMarch American 59. $41,151 9 0 oo 0 59 341,151 0 n oreign 09, : ; : the boats, including decks a ae a ‘ Totals 81 450,313 a8. 3 eae 0 84 459,608 0 wl, inate diese ori te a ivore RT dees ome 8 ee or this wor oreign : - Soe ean omee et a ew Dock Ge Totals 84 419,855 C.- 4 aoa 0 88 438,972 0 eee Powe January American 66° 396,712 o 48 0 0 66 396,712 0 Nashville Bridge Co., Charles Hegewaldo Foreign 49: 191,380 0 (2 9,269 0 47 — 200,649 0 Co., New Albany, Ind., Dravo Construc- Totals 111 588,092 6 2 9,269 0 113 597,361 0 tion Co., Pittsburgh, and the Charles 1923 : : é ; — : : December American 75 438,590 y 0 Ward Engineering Works, Charleston, ec ease ie orale : om : a aes 4 Wo a Totals 123 631,006 0 3: 9,580 126 640,586 0