Mii miimimimimiimiimimimnin mn LOU 36 eauunrnnnngmnnnuecegnngnanvgaanvtagesnacit OXYGEN (Gas) Air Products Co., uns ais 30°F. 42nd’ St., New York City. (Rubber) B. F., Rubber Co., Aeon, Ohio. (Tarred and Untarred Jute) Oakum Co., Jersey City, N. J. PACKING Goodrich, PACKING Stratford, George, PASSENGER SERVICE I national Mercantile Marine Co. ae 1 Broadway, New York City. United alee: Lines, Inc., 39 Broadway, New York City. PATENTS Siggers & Siggers, Washington, D. C. PHONOGRAPHS (Period Models) The Orsenigo Co.. Inc., : z dey Madison Ave., New York City. PIPE BENDING MACHINERY—See MA- CHINERY (Pipe Bending) PIPE (Iron and Steel) Am Spiral Pipe Works, orca i4th &“ S a, St, Chicago, IIl. Continental Iron Works, T West and Calyer Mele oy "ecokien, IN, cys PISTON RINGS Moss, J. W. S., 644 Riverside PLASTER FIBRE Stratford, George, Oakum Co., oe . Jersey City, N. J. Drive, New York City. PLATES (Floor) American Pressed Steel Co., Commercial Trust Bldg., Philadelphia, Pa. PLUMBERS’ OAKUM Stratford, George, Oakum Co., nee . Jersey City, N. J. PLUMBING FIXTURES (Enameled) Kohler Company, Kohler, Wis. PORT FACILITIES Port of Newa rk, Department of Public Improvements, : Port of Newark, N. J. PROJECTORS (Electric) ‘General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. PROPELLER BLADES AND HUBS Columbian Bronze Corporation, The, Freeport, Long Island, N. Y. Sheriffs Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. PROPELLER WHEELS American Ship Building Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Detroit Ship Building Co., Detroit, Mich. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Sheriffs Mfg. Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O. Trout, H. G., Co., 220 Ohio St., Buffalo, N. Y. PROPELLERS Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Columbian Bronze Corp., Freeport, L. I., N. Y. Cramp, Wm., & — Prose 3 & Engine Idg. Co., Philadelphia Pa, Hyde Windlass te Bath, PUMPS Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PUMPS (Ballast) Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass. PUMPS (Bilge) Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass. WHERE TO BUY PUMPS (Boiler pea Superheater Co., 17 ‘Ze Od St., New York City. Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass. PUMPS (Centrifugal) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PUMPS (Diaphragm) Boston & Lockhart Block Co. 123 Condor St., E. Boston, Mass. PUMPS (Direct Acting) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PUMPS (Power) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PUMPS (Steam-Holly Type) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PUMPS (Steam) Warren Steam Pump Co., Warren, Mass. PUMPS (Vacuum) Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp., 115 Broadway, New York City. PURIFICATION SYSTEMS—See WATER PURIFICATION SYSTEMS PYROMETERS Superheater Co., The, 17 E. 42nd St., New York City. eg bes Bee hase AND DIRECTION Federal Telegraph Co., 812 Hobart Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. RADIO EQUIPMENT Radio Corp. of America, 66 Broad St., New York City. RAILWAY DRY. DOCKS Crandall Engineering Co., The 102 Border Dt; "Bonton. Mass. REFRIGERATING MACHINERY Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Phoenix Ice Machine Co., 2711 Church Ave., Cleveland, O. RELEASING GEARS FOR LIFEBOATS Welin Davit & Boat Corp 305 Vernon Ave., eee | Island City, N. Y. a HOOKS—See HOOKS (Releas- ing REPAIRS (Marine) serait: fee Building Co., of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Aone Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd,, Bethlehem, Pa. Chicago Ship Building Co., So. is aad Ill. Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock C 26 Beaver St., New Pet City. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Manitowoc Ship Building Corp., Manitowoc, Wis. Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co, Foot of 56th’ St., Brooklyn, No YX. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Pa. Broadway, New York City. : ‘Chester, Todd prinyeece Corp., Toledo Ship Buildine Co., Toledo, O. REPAIRS (Marine engines) Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co.. Hamilton, O. New London aca, © Ship & Engine Cs., 11 Pine St., New York City. REVOLUTION COUNTERS Cummings Machine Works, 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. RIVETS Oliver Iron & Steel Corp., 10th and Muriel Sts. ., Pittsburgh, Pa, RIVETS (Boiler)—See BOILER RIVETS ANNNNN00004000000000000000NN0UUUUUUOUELUEEADNALOAOUAUUUAUUUUH UO February, 1925 PTTTTTUCTUTUUTTUTLLLLILIULLLLLLLLLLLLLULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOLLLULLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLELLLLLLLLLLLLLLOLLLULLUDoeLLLLLLLLLULLLoL LULL MMMM OTTO TOOL U CLL LULL. RIVETS (Ship) Great Lakes Engineering Works, . River Rouge, Mich. ROPE (Manilla) Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. ROPE (Manila Net, Sisal, and Other Hard Fiber Cordage) Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. ROPE (Transmission) Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. ROPE (Wire)—See WIRE ROPE ROPE OAKUM Stratford, George, Oakum Co., Jersey City, N. J. RUST PREVENTIVE (Oil) Tidewater Oil Sales Corp., 11 Broadway, New York City. Vacuum Oil Co., 61 Broadway, New York City. SCHOONERS (Auxiliary) American Ship Building Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Chicago Ship Building Co., So. Chicago, Ill. Milwaukee Dry Dock Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Todd shipyeres Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. Toledo Ship Building Co., Toledo, O SEARCHLIGHTS (High Intensity) Sperry Gyroscope Co. Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y. SEARCHLIGHTS (Incandescent and Arc) General Electric Co., Schenectady, N. Y. SECOND HAND MACHINERY—See MA- CHINERY (Second Hand) SEPARATORS (Oil) Babcock & Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty ag "New York City. SHAFTING Columbian Bronze Corp., The, Freeport, L. L., SHIPBUILDERS American Ship Building Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Bethlehem Ship Building Corp., Bethlehem, Pa. Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine Bldg. Co., Philadelphia,. Pa. Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 26 Beaver St., New York City. Great Lakes Pigeeey oe iver Rouge, Mich. Manitowoc Ship Building Corp., ss Manit : Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Do ote owoc, Wis. Chest Todd Shipyards Corp., woe re 5 Broadway, New Yo Toledo Ship Building es Toledo, rg a ‘ Propeller) N. Y. SHIPBUILDING SYSTEMS Isherwood, J. W., WV Battery Place, New York City. SHIP LOGS Walker, FL NoRie® & Son Ltd. 8 Oxford St., j Birciokan. England. SHIP REPAIRS Cramp, Wm., & sak Ship & Engine Cc Phil. Morse Dry Dock S era Cn iladelphia, Pa. Foot of 56th St., Brooklyn, N. Y. SHIP RIVETS—See RIVETS (Ship) SHIP STABILIZERS Sperry Gyroscope Co., The, Manhattan Bridge Plaza, Brooklyn, N. Y. SILENCERS Maxim Silencer Co., 83 Homestead Ave., Hartford, Conn.