MARINE REVIEW February, 1925 Motorshi Built at Lorain Plant of ai Sica ia “HENRY FORD II” Since her delivery to the Ford Motor Company, the Length O. A. 612 Feet “HENRY FORD II” has been carrying coal and Length B/P eo ae iron ore between Detroit and Lake Superior ports Beam Moulded oe without interruption. We point with pride to this Depth Moulded . achievement as it again demonstrates the capabilities of our engineers and the completenes of our facilities to undertake new problems and to carry them toa successful conclusion. Sun-Doxford Oil Engine. Opposed Piston Type. All Auxiliaries Electric Drive. The American Com General Office: Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, Ohio Construction Plants at Lorain, Ohio—Cleveland, Ohio—Detroit, Mich. Please mention MArIngt REvIEw when writing to Advertisers