MARINE REVIEW Pobruney) 1928 The greatest aid cAdmiral Line Steamer H. F. ALEXANDER Proceed in Dense Fog —with safety — without delay! Fog conditions at harbor entrances mean no delay—no loss of time—to the ves- sel equipped to take radio bearings with a Kolster Radio Compass. Despite the weather, fog, snow or a stiff sou’ wester—the radio wave pierces through. With the Kolster Radio Compass, the master can take direct bearings of radio fog signaling stations established by the United States Bu- reau of Lighthouses and guide his ship to safety and without delay. The Kolster Radio Compass can be in- stalled in the chart room of any vessel. Its operation by deck officers is ex- tremely simple—no special training or knowledge of radio apparatus is neces- sary. Write for your copy of Bulletin 25 FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO 25 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK CITY Japan - China Representatives : Sperry Gyroscope Co., Mitsui Building, Tokio to Navigation Ponders ; DIESEL O]L ENGINES —have the advantage of the estab- lished reliability and economy of the four-stroke cycle, air-fuel injection engine—plus— An improved design and construc- tion which sets a new standard of practical simplicity and accessibility. Built in vertical multi-cylinder units of 65 BHP to 500 BHP for electric or direct marine drive and an auxiliary air compressing or electric generating units on shipboard. THE LOMBARD GOVERNOR COMPANY Established 1894 Diesel Engines and Water Power Governors 660 MAIN STREET, ASHLAND, MASS. SY \S Ih i, : = A Ws IMT iN SST = —— —— ih i We manufacture a quality line of Nuts, Rivets, Washers, Picks, Mat- tocks and Grub Hoes, Crow Bars, Wedges, Drop and General Forgings, Wagon Forgings and Singletree Trim- mings, Telephone and Telegraph Pole Line Hardware, Screw Railroad Spikes and Boat Spikes, Steel Bars and Con- crete Reinforcement Bars. <i LLPLITT TTA. Write us to mail you our Standard Price List. é ZA YY “IRON‘*vNv-STEEL CORPORATION General Office and Works, Pittsburgh, Pa. te Eastern Office: 50 Church St., New York City Paciffic Coast Office: Monadnock Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. — Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers