February, 1925 MARINE REVIEW ad q| THE CRANDALL ENGINEERING Co. | CONSULTING ENGINEERS CONTRACTING | vi BOSTON , MASS. a o i ss > DESIGNERS OF DRY DOCKS THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U.S. Navy for over 40 years. “Over 40,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12" dia. Magnets for adjusting Purposes. E. S. RITCHIE & SONS, Brookline, Mass., U. S. A. Liquid Compass Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio. Boat Compass in Binnacle FOSTER SUPERHEATERS In use in over 350 ships. A necessity for turbine protection and engine cylinder economy. Dallas _— Pittsburgh Boston _ Detroit Kansas City London POWER SPECIALTY CO. Chicago San Francisco Boulder Philadelphia Los Angeles England 111 Broadway, N. y, Baltimore, Proctor Eng. Co.; A. K. Miller Engineering Co., Galveston, Texas, New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala.; Cleveland, R. G. Backus. Charleston and Savannah, Stuart A. Johnson Engineering Company. Stocked by Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co., 112 State St., Boston. And 38 Water Street, New York. Louis Weule Co., 6 California St., San Francisco. | WALKER’S “VIKING” Ship-Log Connector This Connector enables the Officer of the Watch ie eae to ‘‘Read the Patent Log on the Bridge’. e “Viking” Ship-Log Connector — for vessels Advantages:— It can be set at ANY ANGLE °f 400 ft. in length and : upwards. and may therefore be fitted on a boom either FORWARD, ABREAST or ABAFT the Bridge. Mechanism is totally enclosed and, running in Walker’s solidified oil, can be left during the longest of sea passages with one filling. A Captain writes: —6/25/24. ‘The Viking Con- nector is doing fine. . . It is very handy inFOG as we don’t need to haul the Log in now when taking soundings”. In YOUR case why not fit the “VIKING” Connector and “Read the Patent Log on the Bridge.” and manufactured by Thomas Walker & Son, Ltd., Makers to the World’s Leading Shipping ompanies, 58 Oxford St., Birmingham, England. Please mention MARINE ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers