on 0 Me STU TTUTULUA ULLAL MARINE REVIEW 2 aT February, 1925 INUIT al aA A G 1s Almy Water Tube Boiler CO oe hee a4 ovGeneral “HIeCttic: COs. vaca since estes 6 sce ss 16 Phoenix Ice Machine Co. ........+0++-- American Bridge Co. ...seeeeeeeeeeeers 45. Goodrich, B. FP... Rubber Coo 26-0250: 23 “Port of Newark ....-.:.2.-+005- Front Cover ne Pressed Steel. Cor 2... succes 45 Great Lakes Engineering Works ........ 28) = Post: Be a. & Co, Incr. 4 on a 33: American Shipbuilding» COn ake tees 6, 7 Griscom-Russell Co., The ..........:--: 42° | Power Specialty: Cov 3.0. et ces ee cee 47 American Spiral Pipe Works ....-+-+++- . 43 Prest-O-Lite Co., Inc. ....Inside Back Cover a Drndivile Join &. See. ‘51 B 1B ekg ofchyieel Ov le ae SHOE eRe MON perce Nae cake: 25 ud Week Ce 35 Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co. ........ 18 R Boncon Mlecttic C0. sos. sees eects ees 37 Hyde Windlass Co. ......+-.0.+- Back Cover Radio Corporation of America .......-+. AL Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd. .... 14 : Ritchig © SG. & Stes i. os..s 47 Boland & Cornelius ....-eee eee ee ree er ees i Hos & Eocpan Bick Go. te: 4g International Mercantile Marine Lines.... 52 5 : Eid Sole Gree Diesel Engine Co,..-- 39 SHEE WiOOGT Ni Ws ie sine c oe a cieteceasiy ce: 39 Sheriffs Manufacturing Ca ............%6 44 : J Sicgers & Siggers ea ie one 51 Jerguson Gage & Valve Co. ............- 41 Stratford, George, Oakum Co. .......... 37 Carpenter, Geo. B., & Cor ..eeeeeeeeeees 41 Sturtevant-0 Be bee Gor ora 52 Columbian Bronze Corp. ...+-+eeeseeeees 46 K Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co....... 24 Columbian Rope Co. seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeers 10 Resigesc RB Coes 2 ee 4g Superheater< Cocoa y is ee es 42 Continental Tron Works, The «-:.+0r++ . Kohler: Compatiy sc) 4.6. ee es eels 15 Superior Iron Works Co. .......--+-.0- 46, Cory, Chas., & Son, ie ti datia etal: cravgcecavekens 17 Cramp, Wm., & Sons Ship & Engine L T Balding Co. .s3.2 Pee ate Back Cover Lideoeed Mae Ge Wd pe ee a Hea hehe 8 ‘ Crandall Engineering Co. ..-.-++++++++++- ld Linde Air Products Co.....Inside Front Cover Todd Oil Burner & Engineering Corp..... 20 ee ie NOR ets 4° J Vombard’ Governor Con vies ke e 40 Wolede Shipbuilding Ca 22 Rroutst He iG. ICO Bo ie a 48 D M Tyler Tube v& Pipe Cores: wes ae 45. Detroit Shipbuilding Co. ............:. 60549 Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp. .......... 44 Diamond Power Specialty Corp.) 2.02250: 26 Maxim Silencer Co. ......eeeeeeeeeeeees 43 U Weblo Wie Bose Co. 5... ieee 45 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc. ........ 48 : : . United) American Limes... acces eae 52 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co. .......... 51 E IMOSS 3 Mics Wie ite seals cee pana ara ce 35 y Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co. .......... 48 Electric Storage Battery Co. ...-...+.+-- 13 Vacuum: Oil (Con oa a a ee 4 Engberg’s Electric & Mechanical Works.. 19 N New London Ship & Engine Co. ........ 27 is Walker, < Thomas: ti: Son; Dtde 345 (ccc 47 Fairbanks; Morse & Co. .....c..000.5 1d, 212 ie Warren Steam: Pump Co, ssi. .ii5n ore 43 Hatley, Haward (hes COs ses yi aies vee wie 51 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc. ...... 48 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. ...... 2? Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co..... 33 Oliver Iron & Steel Corp. .............. 40. Wheeler, H. J., Salvage Co:;: Ince 44... 29 Hedergl - Telegrapn COs cise ese ees ue 40 Orsemipo Co. Ine. Aire eae es sess White, Kelvin’ & Wiltrid O:, Co.23. 3. co St Foster Marine Boiler Corp. ............ 46. Osborn & = Lange, lnc ees tees ot Whiting, John’ L.-J. J. Adams: Co: ..1.405 me