March, 1925 MARINE REVIEW S. S. Yukon, Alaska Steamship Co., Seattle, depends upon the Kohler Automatic 15 Power and Light Plant for auxiliary electric current for lights and radio operation en you need a trustworthy small electric plant-- HE Kohler Automatic is a trustworthy electric generating unit; delivering 110-volt current; unhandicapped by storage batteries. Owners -- and there are thou- sandsofthem--rely on their Kohler Automatics implicitly. It is that reliability which has led to the installation of so many Kohler Automatics in service where reli- ability means safety and unreli- ability means risk of life and property--in marine service, for auxiliary lighting and radio oper- ation, and as the sole source of current for light and power on small craft of every kind. The Kohler Automatic is built with skill and honesty--to pre- cise limits--of materials fit to stand the stress of hard, contin- uous service. Every part, every element of design, hasbeenstudied with sole regard to dependable performance. There are no storage batteries, except a small starting battery. Care, expense, space, and uncer- tainty are saved. Current flows steadily and full-powered direct from the generator. Full rated capacity 1s available at all times. The plant responds to its auto- matic switch whenever a light or appliance is turned on. Let. us show you how a plant with these valuable characteristics can serve you. [he coupon below will bring full information about Kohler Automatic models of 800-, 1500-, and 2000-watt capacity; and the nearest Kohler branch will gladly show you these remark- able units in action. Kohler Co., Founded 1873, Kohler, Wisconsin + Shipping Point, Sheboygan, Wisconsin MANUFACTURERS OF KOHLER ENAMELED PLUMBING WARE ATLAN PA, Gia sssctew sic a miks c duis 84 North Pryor Street BOSTON, MASS. ...03..5.% 445 C Street, South Boston CHICAGO, Mais cs sicccnie ac 763 McCormick Building DETROIT MIG. oo vice cineieiaceie oi 35 Parsons Street HOUSTON, PERAGet wes e ccs ce oe 1319 Texas Avenue INDIANAPOLIS, IND....... 134 East New York Street KANSAS CITY, MO........... 1113 Wyandotte Street MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, «+eeeees 0.220 4th Street, South KOHLERorF KOHLER NEW YORK, Na No eis ces evince eae 20 West 46th Street NORFOLK VAs ineurcseaaeieeie oe eis 508 Granby Street OMAHA, NEB es sccGietincins oie cele acs 1907 Farnam Street PHILADELPHIA, PA........ 32nd and Oxford Streets PITTSBURGH; PA... sie icivececancns 401 Penn Avenue SP. LOUIS HNO ni oitce reais anise ates 215 North 10th Street SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF.......¢ Ecce 544 2nd Street SHAT DEE; WASH sc oi0 ciedeteiniele eines alee 123 Jackson Street , LONDON, ENGLAND........ 216, Great Portland Street cAutomatic Electric Plants --110 Volt.D.C. No Storage Batteries Please mention MARINE RevIEw when writing to Advertisers Hy 3 3 3 : 3 3 Kohler Co., Kohler, ; Please sen¢ Doe Sele, The Principle and Kohler A utomatic Model D 1500-watt; 110-volt, D. C. mounneperseasees cs ensneopacesasongenedeeenen's" nese aonecenoesnenes eccsccnccascconsseose® eosncscnneneeees® Serr FREE 48-page Book | Wis., U.S. A- oe the Kohler Auto- Beet, The Proofs" eccconsonsooese encncconesncesonassner= EBLE nse rsseseantesr oT MR8-26 j rrr easensnaneeee asenenencener® anonerseeee®