March, 1925 eRe CR ee nee nS LO EE RR —_——<—= PLANTS * Robins Dry Dock & epair Co. Erie Basin, Brooklyn, N. Y. Tietjen & Lang Dry Dock Co. Hoboken, N. J. Tebo Yacht Basin Co. Foot of 23rd St., Brooklyn, N. Y. Clinton Dry Docks, Inc. Foot of Ciinton St., Brooklyn, N.Y. Todd Oil Burner & Engineering Corp. 742 East 12th St., New York Todd Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Inc. Mobile, Ala. Todd Engineering, Dry Dock & Repair Co. New Orleans, La. Todd Dry Dock & Construction Corp. Tacoma, Wash. Todd Dry Docks, Inc. Harbor Island, 16th Ave., S. W. Seattle, Wash. Todd Oil Burners, Ltd. London, England Twenty-I wo Floating Dry Docks Two Graving Docks Twelve Shipways MARINE REVIEW 17 HERE are five reasons why the facilities of Todd Shipyards Corpora- tion appeal to ship. owners for recon- ditioning, building, or repair: Location of seven plants, ex- perience, reliability, speed, and economy TODD SHIPYARDS CORPORATION Main Office: 25 Broadway, New York Ship Builders and Repairers — Engineers — Boiler Makers—Parsons Turbines Oil Burning Equipment—Electric Drive Installations SVE Pty it rte | AN WHAT, WMA Hat NN | HARUM POLE PATH i! tit A SS HT TERE it onl SSD BH WOAH WARE il Ay te AL ,e tl li ald ai Wut Hit q | pe Please mention Martine Review when writing to Advertisers