18 MAKINE REVIEW March, 1925 WI PRoor Test ON NACO CHAIN, OR \ NACO MARGIN OF SAFETY. PoVNDS LALLY. LYLE, LEN NSY PROOF TEST ON WROUGHT CHAIN. e505 a, oe ou eae ae K _ [x iv — —— k % 2 24 242% 3 3% 34 3% Sizes OF CHAIN Test Specifications Tell The Story Of The Great Strensth Of Naco Anchor Chain The essential qualities of anchor chain in the order of importance are: Tensile Strength. Weight. Resistance to shock. Accuracy of form of link after test. Uniformity of links. Nnwok © No Resistance to wear and corrosion. The weight of Naco chain runs uniform with that of Wrought Chain of same wire size. However, in the other essential qualities of anchor chain, Naco shows a marked superiority over any other type of anchor chain on the market. Nowhere is this superiority more in evidence than in the matter of strength, as is illustrated by the » accompanying chart. On all sizes of Naco Chain, the proof test is 40% or more higher than the proof test for Wrought Chain of the same wire size, while on most sizes the proof test for Naco exceeds the breaking load specified for the best grade of Wrought Chain. Think what a margin of safety this great strength of Naco Chain provides in an emergency, when safety depends upon the action of the anchor chain. Insure the safety of your ships and cargoes by specifying Naco Anchor Chain Cable. NATIONAL MALLEABLE AND STEEL CASTINGS Co. General Office—Cleveland, O. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when wriling to Advertisers