20 MARINE REVIEW March, 1925 Haynes Automatic Sounding Machine a R O TE CTI. The Standard Oil Tanker ‘‘W. P. Cowan’’ “The Sounding Machine Outfit works to perfection,’’ writes Julius Lang, Master, S.S. W. P. Cowan. “I consider it not only a great relief for the MASTER of the ship but a PROTECTION for the OWNER as well. I'll be glad to show anyone the outfit and explain the workings of it.’ Positive, Sure Protection for Every Ship n Gives continuous soundings beneath the AA \ bottom of the ship at all times, is not iss /T Tos affected by snow, ice, or weather con- ‘ee ditions. Places a definite record con- stantly before the master of the vessel. Sounds warning at any pre-determined —— Side view of vesse/ showing Installation in place How Automatic Sounding Machine Records Water Depths. Full details and list of passenger and freight fis : i tH Ny, vessels already equipped gladly sent on request ! { : Ey i & met H Ny E. J. HAYNES 1512 W. Clifton Blvd. bd Depths Automatically Recorded by Lake Vessel on J Cleveland, Ohio Run from Bar Point to Buffalo. Please mention MARINE Review when writing to Advertisers