March, 1925 MAKINE REVIEW 79 (LEFT)—UNLOADING AT JACKSONVILLE AT COMPANY’S OWN DOCK WITH PLANT EQUIPMENT. (RIGHT)— METHOD OF TRANSFER FROM SHIP TO WORKS AT JACKSONVILLE, USING LOCAL EQUIPMENT on contract or on a straight time basis by regular stevedores. In this way the most efficient methods can be used and greater care can be maintained in guard- ing against damage due to careless hand- ling. , A graphic illustration of the different methods of handling using outside long- shoremen with their own equipment and using plant labor with plant equipment may be noted in the view showing the OneEmpa discharging cargo at Houston and the same vessel at the Ford dock in Jacksonville using tractors and trailers from ship to plant. Another interesting view shows the ONEIDA on her maiden voyage at New Orleans loading com- pletely finished uncrated coupe and se- dan bodies for delivery at Houston, in No. 3 hatch while parts for the New HOW CARGO WAS STOWED IN NO. HATCH LEAVING RIVER ROUGE 4 Orleans plant are being unloaded from No. 4 hatch. The slightest carelessness would be costly in handling such cargo, and of course no steamship company would accept unprotected shipments of this character and be responsible for the delivered condition. It is only by com- plete control over every step and the exercise of particular care that the com- pany’s own vessels can do so. A complete record of the services of the two ocean going vessels of the Ford fleet, from the start of operation, is given in the accompanying tables. The dispatch has been exceptionally good, partly due no doubt to working the ship throughout the 24 hours while in port, but also due to efficient methods of stow- ing and handling the cargo. The method pursued in introducing (LEFT)—REGULAR LONGSHOREMEN WORKING CARGO AT HOUSTON. (RIGHT)—S. S. ONEIDA GETS A RETURN CARGO OF SUGAR FROM HOUSTON— REGULAR STEVEDORES ARE DOING THE LOADING