March, 1925 MARINE REVIEW ~ Marine keview THE NATIONAL PUBLICATION COVERING THE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER NEW YORK—CLEVELAND—LONDON Published Monthly by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. A. at Cleveland Ba Pic TAMRON es ek Fe ee Managing Editor Jonw 1), Peanut. ok eecss cocs Advertising Director Si Pickett... 6s Advertising Representative at New York Joséoh - Fuller. oi 6s..5.54 Advertising Representative at Chicago By CC Barineer, 2 ee: Associate Editor at London, England Nincent = Deport. nd as European Manager IN: THIS. ISSUE Vol; 55 MARCH, 1925 No. 3 Page How Ford Loads and Runs his Ships...... 73 Chicago Must Quit Using Ten Thousand BGs ce 81 Ohio Ikiver [rate Needs THeip. i. 10.5.8, 83 New Off Bneised fae... io ee ties 85 Better Pier Sheds Are Needed....,....... 86 How. Rotor Ships Get Power. ........06: 3. 90 Inside of Leviathan’s Furnaces....... 5.5. 91 Now, More. American Ships... 2.2.55. O2 Aimerican Warme SUOW. 1.7... sess sees igi Another World Record Broken........... 93 What the British Ace Doing.............. 94 Fram the Editors Wall 27.. 0. os 94 Inland Waterway Traffic Heavy............. 05 Soutien Waterways. .2..-.0.veur ass. 96 Maritime Law. Decisions... .. 254.05 06d 0 , 98 Marine News 1 Pictures. 2... eke cece os 99 Late Marine (isasters. foci... ks say 100 Private Ownership Advocated............. 101 From tie Old Loe Book... 500... ....s-4%. 102 tor eee ee 103 Trying to Increase Costs........ aes 104 Marine Business Statistics. .....5 006.4. 0%% 106 WHAT READERS WILL FIND Tradition and custom are words to conjure with. And no business is more hide bound in this respect than shipping. But the industrial progress of America refutes the infallibility of custom. Henry Ford evidently does not intend to accept without question the usual methods of ship opera- tion just because they are ancient and honorable and were handed down from the days of sailing vessels and hand power. A fully illustrated ac- count will be found in this issue on how Ford loads and operates his ocean going ships. The present usefulness and future possibilities of the Ohio river as a convenient and economical route from Pittsburgh to the Gulf is described in a special article. Pier sheds like ship operations are old fashioned. An authority on the design and upkeep of docks discusses this problem and suggests an improved type. Private ownership is advocated by the leader of American steamship owners. BRANCH OFFICES BOSTON (20 8.5 =). +. e426: Old” South Bldg. CHICAGO - - - - - = 1147 People’s Gas Bldg. CINCINNATI -~ - - - - = - = - 408 Edwards Bldg. NEW YORK - - + - = -2203-2206 No. 220 Broadway PITTSBURGH - - - - + + 2148-49 Oliver Bldg. SAN FRANCISCO - - =+ - -675 Monadnock Bidg. WASHINGTON - - - = = - 84 Home Life Bldg. FOREIGN OFFICES PARIS, FRANCE - - 23 Rue de la Bienfaisance (VIIIe) LONDON, ENG. - 2-3 Caxton House, Westminster, S. W. 1 BIRMINGHAM, ENG. - - - = = Prince’s Chambers Cable Address IROTRAPEN, London Subscription, United States and its possessions, $3 per year; Canada $4.00; Great Britain and other Foreign Countries, £1:0:0, Single copies 35 cents. Back numbers over three months 50 cents. The Cleveland News Co. will supply the trade with MARINE REVIEW through the regular channels of the Ameri- can News Co. European Agent, The International News Co., Breams building, Chancery Lane, London, E. C., England. Member, the Audit Bureau of Circulations, Associated Busi- ness Papers, Inc. and the National Publishers Association. En- tered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, as Second Class Matter, under the act of March 3, 1879. Copyright 1925 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O.