\ MARINE REVIEW. 45 Reduce Labor Costs —burn oil. has enabled many ship operatorsto effect March, 1925 substantial economies in the engine room depart- ment. In several instances the saving due to reduction of fireroom labor has outweighed the small price margin in favor of coal now prevalent in the Great Lakes region. Our new catalog “‘R”’ explains in detail the many advantages to be derived from a Morse oil burning installation. MORSE DRY DOCK & REPAIR CO. BROOKLYN, N. Y. Morse Combination Natural-Forced Draft ‘Air Register and Morse Mechanical Controllable Burner ee NT GS) | Seems TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS Thirty years’ active practice. Experienced, personal, con- scientious service. All business strictly confidential. SIGGERS & SIGGERS PATENT LAWYERS Suite 11, National Union Ins. Bldg., Washington, D. C. NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Contracts a Specialty New Branch now open MONTREAL ommissioners St. John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS Marine Insurance Agents 1204 Prudential Building BUFFALO, N. Y. 332 So. LaSalle St. CHIiCAGO Marine Insurance JOHN PRINDIVILLE & SONS Vessel Agents and Brokers 411 Chamber of Commerce Grain Exchange MIL W KEE WINNIPEG EDWARD P. FARLEY CO. Vessel Brokers OSBORN & LANGE, Inc. INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. INSURANCE EXCHANGE 175 West Jackson Blvd. Passenger and Freight Steamers, Tugs, Lighters, Self- Propelled Canal Barges Chicago, Illinois CHICAGO, ILL. 6 North Michigan Ave. Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers