April, 1925 Bedding-in a Crankshaft for a large Nelseco M. A. N. Diesel Nelseco Diesels are built under M.A.N. patents; 2- or 4-cycle type; single or double acting; mechanical or air injection; in 4-cycle, single acting type from 100 H. P. to 800 H. P.; in 2- cycle double acting type, from 1000 H. P. to 10,000 H. P.; suitable for yachts, tugs, freight and passenger vessels. A 180 H. P. Nelseco Diesel is conveniently placed for your examination at PORT ELCO 247 Park Avenue New York, N. Y. Demonstrations made on appointment. MAKINE REV ILE W Research ba pe fone engineers have not only brought the Nelseco M.A.N. engine to the highest development of the Diesel art in America, but are constantly engaged in research leading toward still greater refinement. They have, from the beginning, refused to accept limitations which have baffled many other Diesel engine builders. Confronted with the problem of torsional vibration—the destruc- tive effect resulting from the synchronism of cylinder impulses with the natural period of the rotating parts—they refused to capitulate. Chemical and physical research work was taken up; a leading steel maker produced a high grade manganese steel in accordance with Nelseco specifications; a special equipment of furnaces, pyrometers and machine tools was installed—with the result that a perfectly suitable material with high shock resisting capa- bilities was produced, which, together with intelligent design of the machinery, robs destructive torsional vibration of its terrors for Nelseco Diesel engines. Nelseco engineers will be glad to discuss conversion with owners of steam vessels who wish to reduce oper- ating costs and increase cargo capacity and profits. THE NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE CoO. Groton, Conn. U.S. A. 17 Established 1910 F irst to operate under M Please mention Martine ReEvIEW when writing to Advertisers AN. license