130 MARINE REVIEW 3 April, 1925 aA HAWAIU—Passenger and Cargo—Single Screw Steam DESCRIPTION A comparatively shal- low draft vessel for service between the is- lands of the Hawaiian group. The main ma- chinery and boilers. are of usual reciprocating steam and water tube type. Especially fitted to carry general cargo, cattle on deck and a limited number of ann cabin passengers. The cargo capacity in cubic feet is 3700. Name—Hawaltt. building Corp., Ltd. Union Plant. Triple ex- | te Owner—Hawaii Meat Co., Honolulu. pansion steam engine. Cylinders 17 inches by Builder—Union Plant, Bethlehem Shipbuilding 27 inches by 45% inches in diameter by 30 inches ! Corp. stroke. Li Naval Architect—E. P. McRitchie. Boilers—Number 2; name of maker, Bethlehem a I Launched—September 17, 1924. Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Union Plant; type, water i i Completed— October 31, 1924. tube; size, total heating surface 5020 square feet; HH | Classification—American Bureau. fuel, oil. Hh HULL PARTICULARS AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT HY | Length overall 197 feet; length between per- Pumps—W orthington Pump & Machinery Corp. Ho] | pendiculars, 190 feet; breadth molded, 36 feet; Windlass—Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Hs i depth molded, 16 feet; draft in salt water, 13 Union Plant. ie feet 6 inches; displacement loaded, 1670 tons; Winches—Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., | | gross tonnage, 851; net tonnage, 444; passenger Union Plant. fii i capacity, 27 first-class and an indefinite number Steering Engines—Bethlehem Shipbuilding i of steerage passengers on shade deck with no Corp., Ltd., Union Plant. i | sleeping quanters. Cargo capacity, at 50 cubic Propellers—Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., | | feet, 740 tons. Cargo capacity, 37,000 cubic feet. Union Plant. | | Bunker fuel capacity, 190 tons. Deadweight, 810 Refrigerating §Machinery—Brunswick-Kroeschel | i ii] tons. Speed 11% knots. amonia type. | ! cn ce pee trcuL Are Oil Burning Equipment—Bethlehem Shipbuild- | ine Corp: Lid., Union Piant: Main’ Engine—One, built by Bethlehem Ship- Electric Generators—General Electric Co. | : i: A % y HI i H| | | H aie Hh Hi | HEIRS | ain Fi ze iy ima ne | aan) cI