40 MARINE REVIEW May, 1925 IVORISON SUSPENSION FURNACES FOR LAND AND MARINE BOILERS Uniform Thickness — Easily Cleaned — Unexcelled for Strength Also FOX CORRUGATED FURNACES Made to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyds, Bureau Veritas, or any other requirements Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS West and Calyer Streets BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN, N. Y. Greenport Ferry from East 23rd Street, New York ESTABLISHED 1859 INCORPORATED 1887 Over 150 Lake Steamers are completely equipped with Warren ‘ i e, 5 H nae , a ioe ih | mr] 4 i ‘ Uk li i ) a4 wd bl Poy I il, | u Ui z iJ =a } = i E— at ey] rn | ti el ne aan a == =——— h LN Reciprocating Marine Pumps. The reputation for efficiency and en- during service of Warren Reciprocat- ing Pumps has been long established and will always be maintained. The new Warren Centrifugal Pumps are in every way worthy of upholding this reputation. Company Warren, Mass. Boston Chicago New York Philadelphia San Francisco 7810 BOSTON & LOCKPORT BLOCK CO. 124 Condor Street, EAST BOSTON, MASS. NEW YORK CITY CHICAGO \ 32 South Street 413 Fort Dearborn Bldg. i ma Manufacturers of STAR BRAND BLOCKS Special Blocks of all styles for all kinds of heavy work STRONGEST BLOCKS MADE | ye SPECIALTIES yy TACKLE BLOCK OUTFITS | WOOD OR STEEL SHIPS x Tin AND ALL STYLES OF —MARINE WORK— DIAPHRAGM PUMPS Please mention MARINE REVIEW Seamless Steel—Charcoal Iron—Lapwelded St ] Marine and Stay Tubes with Menno Carticcs YOU LEA With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel is furnished with Supplies that you can de- pend on. That is the kind we have been delivering to the boats on the great lakes for over 80 years. Our General Catalog No. 111 should be in the hands of every vessel owner or operator. Forwarded on application. GEO:B-CARPENTER & C0, MARINE SUPPLIES 436 No. Wells St. Chicago Phoenix Marine Type Refrigerating Machines have been designed especially to meet the requirements of the Marine Engineer. Motor driven, and either manual or auto- matic control. Silent chain drive, fully enclosed, permits short distance between centers, with resultant compactness. MAY WE SEND FULL DETAILS? The Phoenix Ice Machine Co., Cleveland . 2711 Church Ave. BOILER TUBES E. F. KEATING Co. Est. 1885 oo ate 3* an ater St., New York, N. Y. mediate i t£ Tslophone Orchard wien ee when writing to Advertisers