8 MARINE REVIEW June, 1925 NEW SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINER “BIENVILLE” Safeguarded by NACO ANCHOR CHAIN CABLE IT is significant that the Southern Pacific Company selected Naco Chain for their new boat ‘““BIENVILLE.’. The lives of hundreds of passengers in their keeping de- manded the use of the strongest and most reliable chain obtainable; anything else,—any substitute,—any chain that merely passed the specifications would not be safe enough. ed : Architect =. +006 «ecm: @ 6 Oe eee ~ Builder - - Todd Dry Dock & Construction Company ‘ Length @= = -0 s0e =< = So 5 6 | NACO CHAIN 22 9-2... sr : Heighth - - - - - ~ 37 ft. 6 in. to Hurricane Deck 1S the strongest Anchor Displacement - - - - m=. - - =~ 12.200 Tos. Chain made. Every shot Horsepower- - - - - - - - - 7,100 oT is proof tested to the break- me ; load of the b d Passengers - - - Mel oo ee Os { 237 first class ~ ing load or t € best grade ; 110 third class : of wrought chain. 7 Sg aes ate L Fuels se eke a ae ae Oil Anchor Chain - - - 300 fathom Naco 234" Chain Cou - a. - - = »« = Approx. $1,000,000.00 pq) = NATIONAL MALLEABLE AND STEEL CASTINGS Co. General Office — Cleveland, O. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers