June, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 13 Try out *‘Cutless Bearings” — they have set a new standard of bearing » — service. Made in any > size for any craft. reduced These two outstanding advantages have been proven after five years of operation of “Cutless Bearings” on all kinds of craft — from the new Johnson speedboat to the oil tanker, both pictured here. These splendid bearings with their surface of tough Olivite Rubber are lubricated entirely by water. They reduce vibra- tion to a marked degree, practically eliminate shaft scoring and far outwear lignum vitae and other types of bearings heretofore used. Furthermore, they operate successfully in sandy, dirty water which plays havoc with the ordinary bearing. Distributors: New York City — Topping Bros.; Boston — Walter H. Moreton Corp. and United Fisheries Company; Gloucester, Mass. — United Fisheries Company; Jacksonville, Fla—Gibbs Gas . Engine Co. of Florida; Mobile, Alabama and New Orleans, La.—A. K. Miller Engineering Company. THE B. F. GOODRICH RUBBER COMPANY Established 1870 Akron, Ohio Goodrich Cutless Bearings “Best in the Long Run” Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers