June, 1925 MARINE REVILEW 19 A real test of Diesel-electric The Van Dyke tugs have furnished more proof of the superiority of Diesel-electric drive. In recent tests with a larger direct-drive Diesel tug, the “Van Dyke No. 1” and “Van Dyke No. 2” proved more powerful —in towing These two Diesel-electric —in pulling at the dock tugs and the Van Dyke No. 3 3 : 3, illustrated, are all oper- —in maximum tow rope pull ated by the Atlantic Refin- ing Co. In several months’ eee 1 ee in pounds pull per engine b. h. p. Crives have performed in a Manner consistent with the success of other Diesel- and when running light, the Diesel-electric lectri ft ipped b Genccll Bidarigs tugs developed greater speed. GENERAL ELECTRIC GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, SCHENECTADY, N. Y., SALES OFFICES IN ALL LARGE C!tT18?¢ Please mention MARINE REVJEW when writing to Advertisers