June, 1925 MAKINE REVIEW The Driving Motor ON the J. W. Van Dyke, the Atlantic Refining Company’s recently converted tanker, Westinghouse has made the largest installation of Diesel-Electric drive in this country. The 2300 shp. double-armature propelling motor is a triumph of marine electrical engineering. It has a speed range-from 0 to 100 rpm. either forward or reverse, and is controlled directly from the pilot house by the Ward-Leonard System of control. Three 600 kw. Diesel-driven Westinghouse generators supply power to the motor at 375 volts. When the tanker is in port, power from one of the generating units is switched from the propelling circuit to the pump circuit, driving the pump motors that handle the ship’s cargo. The flexibility and economy of such a system can readily be understood. For conversion or construction, consult Westinghouse engineers about the application of efficient electrical equipment. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Sales Offices in All Principal American Cities Service Stations in Principal ies American Ports ” Special Pacific Coast Representatives Hunt, Mirk & Company, San Francisco 21