24 Nelseco-M. A. N. Auxiliary Gener- ating Set, for auxiliary power plants aboard Motor Ships, and for station- ary installations. 150 H. P. Engine, 260 r. p.m.; fuel consumption during * seven-day non-stop run, 0.405 lbs. per H. P. hour. Nelseco Diesels are built under M. A. N. patents; 2-or 4-cycle ‘type; single or double acting; mechanical or air injection; in 4-cycle, single acting type from 100 H. P. to 800 H. P.; in 2- - cycle double acting type, from 1,000 H. P. to 10,000 H. P.; suitable for yachts, tugs, freight and passenger vessels. A 180 H. P. Nelseco Diesel is conveniently placed for your examination at “PORT ELCO 247 Park Avenue New York, N. Y. Demonstrations made on appointment, MARINE REVIEW There is a difference N selecting a Diesel engine, first cost is only one cri- terion of many on which to base your judgment: Of two similar engines as regards piston speed and power of, say, 600 H. P. offered, one may be priced at $80.00 per horsepower, and the other at $90.00—a total price difference of $6,000.00. The cheaper engine may have a fuel consumption of 48 gallons per hour—the more costly, 40 gallons; a difference which, at 5%c per gallon, represents $.44 clear saving hourly, so that 1,363 hours’ operation will wipe out the extra first cost, after which there is clear gain to the owner. NELSECO-M. A.N. Diesel Engines are built for ser- vice, and are cheapest in the long run. Do not be guided entirely by price, but consider service, long life and ac- cessibility. These three are the more important as they constitute real economy. Before you select your Diesel, let the Nelseco engi- neers give you some valuable data concerning fuel consumption, maintenance costs and continuity of service. Their experience is at your disposal. THE NEW LONDON SHIP @ ENGINE CO. GROTON, CONN. U.S. A. Established 1910 First to steele under M. A N. license Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers peters. See ee June, 1925