212 phere and in these cases endeavors should be made as far as_ possible to prevent air reaching the fire and feeding it. Ventilators, sounding pipes and other openings should be closed. “Steam is sometimes useful for ex- tinguishing fire, but to be most ef- fective it should displace the atmos- phere and thus shut off the air supply to the fire. All openings to the compartment to which steam is ad- MARINE REVIEW mitted should be shut, and the volume of steam should be such that, should there be any leakages through the walls of the compartment, steam will escape and thus prevent air entering. “When the ship is in port a pres- sure of steam should be kept on one of the boilers, so that the steam pumps and a plentiful supply of water will be always available for immediate use. “Fire drill should be regularly car- June, 1925 ried out, the hose pipes being put into use. Each member of the crew should know what duty is alloted him. Smoke helmets should be provided and the permanent members of the crew should be practised regularly in their use. It is only by practice that mem- bers of a crew can be used to their full efficiency. A well-practised crew can do work quite beyond the power of a crew that is unpractised.” Vigilence is essential to safety. Use New Methods to Promote Travel 'g I HE business of passenger travel on the seas is undergoing a marked change, due to legal re- strictions upon the formerly free and easy entry into the United States. In the old days the steerage or third class represented by far the greatest part of the business done and conse- quently the largest source of revenue. From present indications the policy of restrictive immigration will be con- tinued indefinitely and may possibly be made still more rigorous. Nat- urally the total of third-class and steerage accommodations is far in excess of present or future needs. How to put this excess of space to profitable use in one of the problems facing the larger passenger lines. A selected part of this space may be converted into comfortable second-class accommodations and other parts in- to extra cargo space. At the same time it is now more necessary than ever before to in- crease the desire and habit of ocean travel among the public in general. A certain class is accustomed to travel for pleasure. With another large class travel is incidental to the conduct of business. The number in both of these classes will gradually increase. However, there is a large public in every land who are financially so sit- uated that they could and _ would travel if they knew more about the pleasure and benefits they could de- rive from doing so. Two recent departures in attempts to inerease passenger business are interesting on account of their novelty and as an indication of progressive and up-to-date methods and alertness on the part of the companies using them. The Cunard Steamship Co., hit upon the idea of advertising exclusive use of third-class accommodations on some of their finest ships at a low round trip rate for a class of people of whom there are large numbers in this country, persons of limited means but of intelligence, education and good taste. The company rightly feeling that a low price for plain but clean accommodations, good wholesome food and pleasant companionship with per- sons of similar tastes would appeal to many people who did not feel that they could afford to travel first or sec- ond class and would not consider going ordinary third-class or steerage. The Hamburg American Lines have recently employed the medium of the motion picture for showing the public of Germany the delights and advan- tages of ocean travel. A four act Marine Standards of standards to enable the more economical operation of Ameri- can shipping, was given further im- petus by the meeting recently of six subject committees of the American marine standards committee to which have been assigned the development of tentative standards in a wide range of subjects. Three of the meetings were held in Philadelphia and three in New York City. These committees considered the fol- lowing subjects, “water-tight and non- water-tight hinged doors and fittings,” with E. L. Stewart, naval architect of the Standard Oil Co. of New Jer- sey as chairman; “rail and awning stanchions, fixed ladders—metal and wood—and pilot ladders” with E. R. Bean, assistant naval architect of the New York Shipbuidling Corp., Cam- den, N. J., as chairman; and “cargo booms and cargo boom fittings,’ with John C. Craven, naval architect of the Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Kearny, N. J., as chairman. Two other subject committees con- sidered chinaware, glassware, table- ware and oil lamps; and textiles such as blankets, mattresses, pillows, cush- ions, linens and cottons, under the chairmanship of James Swan, editor of | hae toward the development film entitled “From Hamburg to New York”: with the “Hapag” had its premier showing on July 23, 1924, at Gotha. A lecture was delivered in conjunction with the progress of the picture, which illustrated the maiden trip of the twin screw ALBERT BALLIN, showing the passenger accommoda- tions of all classes and the life and action on board both on deck and in quarters during the trip across. Fin- ally at the end, the harbor and city of New York is shown. Progress Marine Engineering & Shipping Age for the first group and D. A. Wham- ond of the N. Y. Porto Rico line for the latter group. The last, though by no means the least important subject committee, that on “operation of the ship” met for its fourth session in the office of the chairman, Robert F. Hand, 26 Broad- way, where rules, instructions, docu- mentary forms or other material in the interest of the efficient operation of the ship as a business institution were considered. This committee’s work also embraces “housekeeping of ship,” inspection and tests of. safety equipment, organization, care, conduct and efficiency of the ship’s personnel and the handling and care of pas- sengers, cargo and stores. All of these committees have now met anywhere from three to six times and progress is constantly being made. Much good will come of this work in simplyfying and standardizing to best practice all of the many parts entering into the building and opera- tion of the ship. Cost will be re- duced and efficiency increased. It is a splendid piece of work and the fruits of this great labor should be thoroughly applied, simply as a mat- ter of good business management.