MARINE REVIEW June, 1925 eee ‘Til be bound’ THOUSANDS of copies of “Oxy-Acetylene Tips’ can say this. This monthly magazine is saved and it is bound because the first number (August, 1922) is just as valuable for reference today as when it was published. “Tips” is valued by every man from the president to the welder. It tells how to im- prove the work now being done. It suggests new welding andcutting operations. It points out economies. It is saved and bound be- cause it aids in solving many problems. “Something useful in every number” “T have received copies of your publication, ‘Oxy-Acetylene Tips,” writes a welding foreman, “and like it so well that I do not want to miss future issues. There is some- PE Lingy Ding. thing useful in every number, even to a == LD, welder who has been in the business twelve years, like myself.” THE [sak OXWELDER et Fe. “Tips” is free to all Linde customers. Ask the nearest Linde District Office to send you this monthly magazine which has “some- thing useful in every number.” For smaller shops Linde publishes another magazine— “The Linde Oxwelder.” It’s free, too. THE LINDE AIR PRODUCTS COMPANY General Offices: Carbide & Carbon Building 30 East 42d Street, New York 37 PLANTS — 80 WAREHOUSES 22 DISTRICT SALES OFFICES LINDE OXYGEN YOU CAN DEPEND ON THE LINDE COMPANY QO Se ee Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers