July, 1925 MARINE REVIEW ELLIS CHANNEL SYSTEM OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION, EDGAR AMES SOLE LICENSEE One of Ten Barges with ELLIS STEEL HULLS for The New York Central Lines constructed by Atlantic Works, Inc., East Boston, Mass. Ellis Steel Hulls Are Strong This is one of the reasons why architects, in addition to they were chosen by The New _ strength, are: York Central Lines for the con- struction of ten barges now @ Great Deadweight Capacity. being delivered. Among the outstanding advan- tages of the ELLIS SYSTEM OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION which must appeal to all practical owners and naval €@ Low Maintenance. ELLIs CHANNEL SYSTEM OF STEEL HULL CONSTRUCTION | 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK PATENTED IN AMERICA, GREAT BRITAIN AND CANADA: OTHER PATENTS PENDING @ Simplicity, — meaning low cost of construction with special adaptability to quan- tity production. Please mention Marine Review when writing to Advertisers