34 MARINE REViE W August, 1925 | THE CRANDALL ENGINEERING Co. consuxting ENGINEERS CONTRACTING Boston Mass. — : ae ee . ee : ‘DESIGNERS OF DRY Docks: A restful night on Lake Erie Makes a pleasant break in your journey. A good bed in a clean, cool stateroom, a long sound sleep and an appetizing break- fast in the morning. Steamers *“SEEANDBEE’® “CITY OF ERIE’? “CITY OF BUFFALO’? Daily, May Ist to November 15th Leave Cleveland. . —9:00 P. M. Arrive Buffalo. . .—*7:00 A. M. Eastern Leave Buffalo . . . —9:00 P. M. Standard Time Arrive Cleveland. . ¥*7:00A.M. *Steamer “CITY OF BUFFALO” arrives 7:30 A. M. Connections for Niagara Falls, Eastern and Canadian points; Cedar Point, Put-in-Bay, : : Toledo, Detroit and points west. Ask <5 fs a a es si your ticket agent or tourist agency for = = tickets via C&B Line. New Tourist Auto- aa mobile Rate, $7.50. made to your exact Send for free sectional puzzle chart of the requtremen ts—any SIZE Great Ship “Seeandbee” and 32-page booklet. i : The Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co., Cleveland, Ohio True to size —easily and quickly installed. : s ,_ the Great Shi Highest quality and therefore longest life. F are $5. SO fr Re SPEANDBEL— Conform to United States, American Bureau of | a Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Bureau Shae rail . Bas 6 inchea Veritas and all other standards and specifica- Heket Is good . eS tions. Prompt deliveries. For complete information write— American Spiral Pipe Works Main Office and Works: Box 485 Chicago, Illinois New York Office: 50 Church St. MR8-I-RTG Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers