326 MARINE of the shipping industry. Members of congress upholding government control of the ships natur- ally may be expected to criticize action by the shipping board if it actually seeks to give effect to the mandate of congress as set forth in the Jones act of 1920. Senator Duncan U. Fletcher, of Florida, is one of these, although not a special friend of the shipping board. Despite conflicting opinions in congress, encouragement is felt that favorable consideration may be given to legislation in the coming session to wipe out the shipping board and to transfer the Fleet corporation to a marine bureau of the department of commerce. In the meantime, the shipping board will take full advantage of its prerogative in finally passing upon ship sales, negotiated by Admiral Palmer. Support Palmer's Aggressive Policy It was announced by President Palmer on July 30 that he had submitted to the shipping board two offers for the American Palmetto Line, operated by the Carolina company, between South REVIEW September, 1925 don, Bremen, Hamburg, Rotterdam and Antwerp. This company with several others, bid on the line. This was the first offer received since July 6, when Palmer announced a campaign to sell the government services, with managing operators given the preference. President Palmer regards the Atlantic-Medi- terranean service, which has just been sold, as one of the best the government had, and one that can be made to show a profit under private oper- ation. Mayor James Rolfe, of San Francisco, in behalf of Pacific coast services operated by Swayne & Hoyt, has also been conferring with Palmer. It is believed that these services could be made the basis for successful private opera- tion. It is also expected by officials of the Fleet corporation, that offers of the Black Diamond Line for freight services, operated by it and Rogers & Webb between North Atlantic ports and Continental Europe, may be renewed. The lines for which bids are expected are showing compara- tively small losses compared to losses of the other Atlantic ports and Liverpool, Manchester, Lon- lines. Twenty-six separate lines are operated. Pe Serew Diesel Tankerde bat ee HE Union Oil Co. of Calif. is now operating the diesel tank- er Rep’ LINE, recently con- structed at the yards of the Moore Drydock Co. in Oakland. This ves- sel was built especially for use in the more or less shallow waters of the rivers tributary to San Fran- cisco bay. The principal dimensions The vessel is built on the Isher- wood system of longitudinal fram- ing with straight stem and transom stern and has fourteen oil tanks with a combined capacity of about one hundred and fifty thousand gal- lons. In addition the forehold has a capacity of about 15 tons of package goods. Cofferdams _ separ- SHALLOW DRAFT TWIN SCREW DIESEL TANKER REDLINE, CONSTRUCTED BY THE MOORE DRY DOCK CO., OAKLAND, CALIF., FOR THE UNION OIL CO., CALIF. of the tanker are: 175 feet; beam molded, 36 feet, beam over fenders, 37 feet 4% inches; depth molded, 7 feet; draft loaded, 5 feet 6 inches; camber (straight line), 6 inches in 36 feet; sheer forward, 3 feet 6 inches; and sheer aft, 1 foot 9 inches. Length overall, ate the oil cargo from the fore hold and the engine room. For propelling machinery she has two marine type Western Enterprise full diesel solid injection engines, each delivering 165 brake horsepower at 280 revolutions per minute. They are four cylinder, four cycle engines with a bore of 10% inches and a stroke of 15 inches, and are capable of driving the vessel at more than 8 knots. The electrical equipment consists of a Fairbanks-Morse 6 horsepower gas engine with a 16 eell storage battery and switchboard; the genera- tor being driven by a belt drive. All machinery and auxiliaries are located aft. The pump room is on the upper deck at the after end of the oil space and three Northern rotary pumps have been installed to handle the cargo through a six-inch pipe, at 250 gallons per minute against a pressure of 100 pounds. These pumps are operated by a Western Enterprise 100 brake horse- power diesel engine through a belt drive. Fuel sufficient for about 135 hours of continuous running is carried in the wings of the storage space just akaft the engine room. Other equipment consists of an Enterprise 8 horsepower double drum winch for handling cargo. A _ steer- ing mechanism operating either by hand or compressed air. Twin screw, three blade, 50-inch bronze _ propel- lers have been installed. Accommodations for the _ officers and crew are provided in a _ steel deck house on the bridge deck. The gross tonnage of the vessel is 388.95.