Equipment Used Afloat, Ashore Process for Seasoning Rotors—Electric-Hydraulic Steering Gear—Connector Improves Ship Log — New Long Stroke Air Drill — Steel Switchboards OR large turbines to operate Five steam at a temperature of 700 degrees F. or higher, the Westinghouse Electric and Mfg. Co. has introduced a special treatment to bring about “seasoning” of the ro- tor. After completing the manufacture and installation of blading, the rotor is balanced accurately in a dynamic bal- ancing machine. It is then revolved at slow speed in a suitable, tight cas- ing by means of an external small turbine and is heated by means of steam superheated to about 800 de- grees F., which is admitted into the casing at a pressure slightly higher than atmospheric. This is continued until the rotor is heated thorughly to A SPECIAL CHAMBER DESIGNED FOR SEA- SONING TURBINE ROTORS an average temperature of about 600 degrees F. Upon reaching this temperature, the heating steam is shut off. The cas- ing is then quickly evacuated and the rotor is revolved at a speed 20 per cent above its normal operating speed, and maintained at that speed for ap- proximately 20 minutes. The speed is then reduced. The cover is re- moved, and the rotor is kept revolv- ing slowly until it has cooled to ap- proximately room temperature. Then the rotors balance is again checked in the dynamic machine. The amount of change in balance is the indication of the sufficiency of the seasoning. If the change is greater than a specified amount the season- ing operation is repeated. It has been learned definitely that, during the first operation at 20 per cent overspeed accompanied by heat- ing the rotor with steam, there is like- ly to be a slight flow of material as a result of the seasoning which makes some change in the balance. This undoubtedly is caused partially by a silght readjustment of the blade fastenings. This method is regarded as much more effective in insuring continued excellence of balance than that of op- erating the turbine in its own casing under steam. Powerful Steering Gear for Airplane Carrier An interesting and important event took place in the shops of the Amer- ican Engineering Co., Philadelphia, on Aug. 8. The steering gear that is to handle the rudder on the new air- plane carrier SARATOGA was tested on that date before a large assembly of naval architects, shipbuilders and of- ficers of the navy. The test as re- ported by the makers proved a suc- cess in every way and those present were highly gratified at the results. draulic type. As can be seen from the accompanying illustration there are four sets of double ended rams 24 inches in diameter with their hy- draulic cylinders. Each pair of sets handle one of the two links which run aft to the rudder. There are two electric-hydraulic driving units so ar- ranged that either may be used selec- tively. A similar scheme has_ been worked out on the pilot motor control from the various steering stations and provision is made for a rapid change- over from one unit to the _ other. Some idea of the size of the gear may be obtained when it is considered that it covers about half of one of the large bays of the shop, and weighs approximately 110 tons. It is so powerful that it can deliver a twist- ing moment on the rudder post of 70,- 000,000 inch pounds. This gear is exactly similar to one designed and ELECTRO-HYDRAULIC GEAR FOR THE AIRPLANE CARRIER SARATOGA READY FOR TEST IN THE SHOPS OF THE AMERICAN ENGINEERING CO., PHILADELPHIA— THIS MAMMOTH GEAR RESPONDS TO THE SIMPLEST CONTROLS The SARATOGA is being built at the New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J., and was launched on April 7, 1925. This gear is said to be the largest ever built and is of the electro-hy- 3338 built by the same company and shipped several months ago for the airplane carrier LEXINGTON building at the Fore River plant of the Bethle- hem Shipbuilding Corp. Both vessels are 895 feet long, and the specifica-