What the British Are Doing Short Surveys of Important Activities in Maritime Centers of Island Empire R. BRIDGEMEN’S program for increasing the navy has not been allowed to pass without challenge, but in shipbuilding circles the announcement of his intention to maintain the Empire’s naval strength is generally acclaimed. The program provides for the expenditure of £58,- 000,000 by the end of 1930, the most important item being the building of four cruisers before the end of 1926 and two up to 1927. Mr. Bridgeman considers that Brit- ish shipbuilding is far behind that of other countries, naming especially the United States, which he says has laid down ten cruisers, 76 de- stroyers and 80 submarines. By 1929 he anticipates Great Britain will have 14 modern cruisers. He attached im- portance to the amount of employ- ment which would be given to skilled shipbuilders. It is understood that private yards will get their share of the new business, and a_ beginning has been made in this direction. * * ok HIPBUILDERS are not altogether happy over the position of this country in regard to motor ship- building. In Sweden and Denmark more than 90 per cent of the ships now being built will be equipped with oil engines and the relative figures for Germany and Italy are 77 per cent and 64 per cent respectively. The HUNT ty PPONENTS of the so-called Chicago lake water steal have a new ally, although prob- ably only a temporary one, in Col. A. A. Sprague, Chicago commissioner of public works. He is incensed because the Chicago council, meeting July 22, refused to adopt a water metering O program. When Secretary of War Weeks granted Chicago permission — last April to continue taking 10,000 cubic feet of water per second for flushing its drainage canal he stipulated that United Kingdom is a good deal in the rear with a percentage under con- struction of 36.5, but there has been an increase of 12% per cent in the oil engined tonnage on the_ stocks compared with a year ago. * * * HE question of ship canals is causing a good deal of anxiety. The Severn commissioners have for some years entertained hopes that a projected ship canal connecting Birmingham with the sea would be carried out by way of the Severn, the main improvement being the en- largement of existing intermediate canals. Birmingham was_ attracted to this scheme by its superior cheap- ness as compared with other schemes, but latterly, the Midland city has swung round in favor of a canal to the Mersey which, though much more costly, would give better service. The unfortunate Severn commission has now had to approach various munici- palities in its area for temporary loans to enable them to meet current expenditure, and the result that it may be closed to business. * * * HE July returns of shipbuilding show marked increase on the Clyde as compared. with May, although rath- er less than June. Taking the seven months production the Clyde launched 153 vessels of 333,888 tons, exceeding that of last year by 20 vessels and MMi UR What s Doing Around The Lakes El a start toward metering city water be made within six months, or by Sept. 7. The Chicago council, after refusing to do anything concerning metering, adjourned until Oct. 28. Meanwhile, lack of metering has so increased the consumption of city water that plans for an $8,000,000 water tunnel have had to be rushed. “The secretary of war has given Chicago a square deal and we cannot blame him if he revokes the per- mit,” said Colonel Sprague. “The action of the city council gives more 346 51,686 tons, while it is surpassed only to the extent of 43,382 tons by the most successful year in point of output in the history of the industry, namely that of 1913. Only one other year since 1913—the year 1920—had a larger output for the seven months than the one recorded this year. * * * NFORTUNATELY, the work in hand is not anything like equal to the capacity of the shipyards, and there is too much reason to fear that as the new business by no means equals the production a further pros- pect of unemployment has to be faced. The following contracts were booked during the month of July: John Brown & Co. Ltd., Clydebank, to build for the Blue Star Line, Ltd., London, two vessels, each of about 12,000 tons deadweight; Alexander Stephen & Sons, Ltd., Linthouse, a fruit-carrying steamer, 300 feet in length for Elders & Fyffes, Ltd., Lon- don, and a screw tug 115 feet in length and of 1000 indicated horse power for Australian owners; William Beardmore & Co., Ltd., Dalmuir, a sludge-carrying steamer 250 feet in length for the London county council; and the Caledon Shipbuilding & En- gineering Co., Ltd., Dundee, a steamer of 1500 tons deadweight for the Limerick Steamship Co., and a barge for the British Molasses Co., London. w HVIULLUUUUU ULL i ammunition to the propagandists in Canada and in the states around the Great Lakes who have been attack- ing Chicago.” * * * G. HUTCHINSON, attorney, has been named receiver for the Thompson Transit Co. He was named after the filing in federal court of a friendly suit by the American Ship- building Co. The Thompson company is active in the transportation of auto- mobiles on the lakes.