September, 1925 MARINE REVIEW 41 SG. % tO e =". — g. Z P Y- Z Z Gg Nanas _ SRN NM" WN “DIEHL” marine type, enclosed, _ self-ventilated, ball bearing Generator with special mica insula- tion, 8 KW, 32. V.,.driven by Diesel Gngine:. For installation on U.S. Coast Guard boats. DIEHL Manufacturing Company Elizabeth, N. J., U.S.A. DEAN BROS. Vertical Duplex Pumps Corrugated Furnaces Where space is limited this Dean Brothers Durable Duplex Upright Pump is the logical installation. It fits in without sacrificing accessibility. —made to your exact requirements—any size True to size — easily and quickly installed. Highest quality and therefore longest life. Conform to United States, American Bureau of Shipping, Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Bureau Veritas and other standards and specifications. Prompt deliveries. For complete information write— Investigate! Write for Catalog No. 107 American Spiral Pipe Works Main Office and Works: Box 485 Chicago, Illinois New York Office: 50 Church St. MR9-I-RTG DEAN BROS. C0. |NDIANAPOLIS. NEW YORK OFFICE 149 BROADWAY Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers