MARINE REVIEW October, 1925 Three Vital Questions Every Advertiser Should Ask Most advertisers today protect their appropriations by demanding complete information on circulation —with the three following questions answered in the affirmative the advertiser is absolutely sure of adequate returns. |.—Does it reach the field desired? 2.—How much net paid circulation has the publication? 3.—Are the publishers’ claims verified and cor- roborated by an Auditor's report from the Audit Bureau of Circulations? We are proud to be in a position to qualify to every demand of the advertiser, as our records are regularly examined by the A. B. C. Our last audit report is available and open for in- spection and is full of facts that the advertiser should know in the placing of his appropriations. Marine Review Member A. B.C. Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. & W. 3rd St. Cleveland, O. 144 X Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers