October, 1925 lengthening and widening of the West- ern dry dock to 575 feet by 80 feet and the installation of improved de- watering pumps. A pumping instal- lation to increase the depth of water in the Royal Victoria dock to 28 feet, in the Royal Albert dock to 29 feet 6 inches, and in the Royal Albert dock basin to 34 feet 6 inches. Two double story and four single story sheds, with roads and railway facilities on the south side of the Royal Victoria dock. The equipment of the Royal Albert dock with 48 three-ton electric cranes of the most modern type. At the Tilbury docks, an extension of the water area of the main dock by 17 acres, with a depth of 42 feet 6 inches below Trinity high water, with 1800 feet of quay, three sheds, modern electric cranes and railways. The construction of concrete dams and the provision of improved de-watering pumps at the dry docks. At the Surrey Commercial docks, a dock with an area of 15 acres and depth of 27 feet below Trinity high water, providing five berths for vessels 400 feet in length, with suitable sheds, equipment and roads adjacent there- to. The dock will communicate with the Canada dock by means of a new passage 80 feet wide. The dock will be constructed so as to permit of deepening to 85 feet below Trinity high water when desired. In general, there will be considered MARKINE REVIEW tides and equipped with modern ap- pliances for the discharge of vessels into railway truck, barge or covered storage provided on the jetty. The railways thereon are connected by an approach viaduct with the London, Midland and Scottish railway. In addition to the above improve- ments the Authority are carrying out their program for the widening and deepening of the navigable channels in the river as follows: From London bridge to Tower bridge, 450 feet wide and 14 feet deep at low water. From Tower bridge to Thames tunnel, 500 feet wide and 14 feet deep. From 377 high water. This lock will be on the site of the present South dock en- trance. (b) A passage between the South West India dock and the West India Export dock. (c) A passage between the Ex- port dock and the Import dock. (d) A passage way for vessels connecting the Millwall dock with the South West India dock. (e) Additional sheds for hard- wood storage to replace those dis- placed by the improvement scheme. The three passages (b), (c) and (d) will enable vessels entering by AN AERIAL VIEW OF TILBURY DOCKS—LOCATED A LITTLE OVER 25 MILES BELOW LONDON BRIDGE—THE ENTRANCE TO THE DOCKS FROM THE RIVER IS BY WAY OF A CHANNEL FROM THE TIDAL BASIN BEYOND THE RANGE OF THE ILLUSTRATION TO THE RIGHT the equipment of the whole of the dry docks with cranes for lifting up to 25 tons from beyond the center of the keel blocks and the installation of air compressors for operating pneumatic tools; sheds and warehouse accommodation of an aggregate floor area of 37 acres in addition to the 79 acres carried out in connection with the larger works referred to above; and the provision of a large number of cranes, locomotives, tugs, launches, grain elevators and other modern appliances. At Tilbury, will be built a two story jetty, 1000 feet long, in the river, with a depth alongside of 30 feet at low water ordinary spring Thames tunnel to the Greenland dock, 500 feet wide and 16 feet deep. From Greenland dock to the Royal Albert dock, 600 feet wide and 20 feet deep. From the Royal Albert dock to Cold- harbor Point, 600 feet wide and, 30 feet deep. From Goldharbor Point to the Nore, 1000 feet wide and 30 feet deep. For this work an additional dredg- ing plant has been purchased at a cost exceeding £400,000. For India and Millwall docks there has been authorized the following work: (a) A new entrance to the South West India dock 550 feet long by 80 feet wide by 35 feet deep at Trinity VIEW OF ROYAL ALBERT DOCK—THE ROYAL VICTORIA, ALBERT AND KING GEORGE V DOCKS ALL CONNECTED FORM THE LARGEST SINGLE SHEET OF DOCK WATER IN THE WORLD tues new South dock lock to reach any part of the India and Millwall dock system. : A berth 620 feet long will be built on the north side of the tidal basin at the Royal Victoria dock for the discharge of chilled beef, dredged to give a depth of 28 feet, with all neces- sary equipment, handling appliances, roadways and railways. A shed 408 feet long by 95 feet wide, with covered platforms for loading road and rail- way vehicles, and a a shed 188 feet by 30 feet for the barge berths will be constructed. A dry dock 750 feet by 110 feet wide, and capable of extension to 1000 feet, when required, with a depth on blocks of 87 feet 6 inches will be constructed at Tilbury. There will also be built at Tilbury a passenger landing stage 1140 feet long with a depth of water alongside of 35 feet below low water ordinary spring tides. It will be a floating structure directly connected with Til- bury station. Every facility for the rapid and convenient landing and em- barking of passengers and baggage to and from vessels of the largest di- mensions will be provided. Into London’s docks come commodi- ties from every land between the poles and the equator—sugar and rum from the West Indies, frozen meat