November, 1925 MARINE REVIEW ba S. S. Siboney 13,000 SQUARE FEET THIS TIME HE S. S. Siboney is a sister ship to the S. S. Orizaba on which over 20,000 sq. ft. of American Lit-O-Sil-O were laid. We have recently completed laying 13,000 sq. ft. on the S. S. Siboney at the Morse Dry Dock and Ship- building Co., Brooklyn, for the Ward Lines. AM ERI CAN QO Write for our free booklet. It tells why shipbuilders and shipowners ; , a IT-O 6 | | have installed American Lit-O-Sil-O—the complete decking, on over 500 «ships. : Marine Decking & Supply Company DECKI N G Tioga and Memphis Sts. cata Philadelphia FOSTER SUPERHEATERS In use in over 350 ships. A necessity for turbine protection and engine cylinder economy. Boston Detroit Philadelphia London POWER SPECIALTY CO. Chicago Los Angeles Pittsburgh England 111 Broadway, N. y. Baltimore, Proctor Eng. Co.; A. K. Miller Engineering Co., Galveston, Texas, New Orleans, La., Mobile, Ala.; Cleveland, R. G Backus. Charleston and Savannah, Stuart A. Johnson Engineering Company. San Francisco, California, Berry E. Dunn & Company, Balfour Building. Vessel and Insurance Agents John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius ' EDWARD P. F ARLEY CO: BOLAND & CORNELIUS VES , BROKERS F : se aeerabiadeet waite Passenger and Freight Steamers, Tugs, Lighters, Self- \ ee P lled Canal B 1204 Prudential Building en oe ie eee BUFFALO, N. $Y. : 6 North Michigan Ave. Chicago, IIlinois Vessel Brokers 332 So. LaSalle St. CHICAGO . OSBORN & LANGE, Inc. Marine Insurance INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS J OHN PRINDIVILLE & SONS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for V ] A aT Beck placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. esse gents an rokers 411 Chamber of Commerce Grain’ Backance INSURANCE EXCHANGE Please mention MARINE REVIEW .yhen writing to Advertisers