414 | ~ MARINE REVIEW November, 1925 : COAMO—Passenger—Single Screw—Steam Another Achievement in Shipbuilding is coming from “Newport News’ Dp 1925 the sing'e screw, ocean passen- Distinctive Ships ger ship ““COAMO”’ will be completed by We Have Built Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co. When finished she will be for her size one of the finest ships afloat. The COAMO is a notable addition to a long | list of fine ships built in our yards. All of them have benefited from the rare shipbuilding skill and experience that makes satisfaction certain when ‘‘Newport News’’ handles the job. Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., is equipped to handle the largest assignment in ship construction or repairs... Facilities for Construction and Repairs Our modern plant facilities, competent staff of Marine Engineers and Shipbuilders enable us to follow accurately specifications that step out far in advance of ordinary design in ‘any feature of _ ship construction. If you desire fine shies or are in need of quick, dependable repair service it will pay you to in- investigate our service. Our engineering staff will be glad to consult cae you ena cost or obligation. a S.S. Coamo S.S. Cherokee S.S. Seminole ¢.S. Mohawk S.S. Chatham -§.S. Dorchester S.S. Fairfax S.S. Robert E. Lee S.S. George Wash- ington S.S. City of Chat- tanooga S.S. City of Bir- mingham Tanker J. H. Senior Yacht Ohio Yacht Dolphin Yacht Nenemoosha Yacht Pawnee Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. 233 Broadway, New York Newport News, Va. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers