January, 1926 Deck Plugs Our Extensive Stock Is Here For Your Convenience Apparently trifling items in Marine Hardware are as carefully stocked as more expensive ones. For instance, in Deck Plugs we carry eleven dif- ferent sizes in twelve different kinds of wood, from 54” to 14%”. Likewise in Caulking Mallets, we have nine different sizes and kinds. If it is Marine Hardware, we have it. Send for our latest cata- logue, containing sizes and prices of Marine Hardware items of every description. W. & J. TIEBOUT Established 1853 118 Chambers St. New York City The Evaporator that protects 9,000,000 B. Hp. Bulletin 330 explains why Send for copy THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. 285 Madison Ave., New York Philadelphia Detroit Kansas City Los Angeles Boston Columbus Charlotte : Seattle Rochester Milwaukee New Orleans Denver : Pittsburgh Minneapolis Houston Salt Lake City Chicago Indianapolis Dallas : Tulsa Cleveland St. Louis San Francisco For Canada: Riley Engineering and Supply Company, Ltd., Toronto MARINE REVIEW 67 First Cost Or Cost Per Year? On which basis do you buy your pumps? Warren Marine Pumps, Reciprocating and Centri- fugal, are designed and built for maximum pump- ing efficiency over the longest service period. That is why so many leading ship operators and builders have standardized on Warren Pumps. May we send you bulletins? Steam Pump Ci ompany Warren, Mass}, chicaso Philadelphia San Francisco 8588 Boston New York WOODWORKER Cuts Repair Costs You can actually cut 30 per cent or more off your costs for carpenters’ time used in maintenance and ie ° . . . * repair work if you will install a Master Woodworker. : = . * It is 12 machines in one—does the work of 4 men. : « It does cross cutting, ripping, jointing, boring, da- : doing, planing, routing, plowing, mitering, rabbeting, f molding, band sawing, mortising, tenoning, grind- ing, matching and stair routing. : = Used by thousands of contractors—lasts a life © time—runs from a lamp socket. - Send * for our Guaranteed for 5 years. Sold on easy payments. * jy. Money back if you are not thoroughly satisfied. he Big De * scriptive Model illustrated is No. 10, with 4% H. P. é Book. motor for small work. Larger models, with 1, 2 and 5 H. P. motors, made for ship yards and construc- - tion work. MASTER WOODWORKER MEG. Co. 612 BRUSH ST., DETROIT, MICH. Z = ad = = = = = = = = = = hed « « Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers