February, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 9 Quick, Certain Smothering of Oil Fires! The Bethlehem (Amdyco) Fire Extinguishing System The Bethlehem (Amdyco) Fire Extinguishing System has received the approval of the U. S. Steamboat In- spection Service. isa quick, sure method of completely smothering oil fires aboard ship. The immediate effectiveness of Amdyco Foam in extinguishing oil fires was clearly shown in a recently conducted test, partially illustrated herewith. A mixture of crude oil and gasoline was floated on water in a concrete basin, the oil mixture was ignited and the flames allowed to gain headway. By the operation of one lever, Amdyco. Foam was sprayed into the flames, and the fire was completely extinguished in ten seconds. The rising smoke cloud, visible only a few feet above the basin in the illustra- tion shows how quickly the dense Amdyco Foam blanket smothered the fire. Amdyco Foamis smooth-flowing, so that it covers the entire sur- face uniformly, flowing freely around obstructions. Notice the dense, strong foam blanket — despite its density it flows freely around obstructions. BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. GENERAL SALES OFFICES: 25 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY DISTRICT OFFICES: Boston, 100 Milk St.; Philadelphia, Widener Bldg.; Wilmington, Foot of West St.; Baltimore, South and Water Sts.; Cleveland, Union Trust Bldg.; Chicago, Monadnock Bldg.; San Francisco, Matson Bldg. BETHLEHEM Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers