MiARINE REVIE W February, 1926 shipping board, though presumably superior to steamships, will not be of any greater speed and will there- fore be distinctly second rate in com- parison with the latest European dies- el ships. This condition of affairs is of seri- ous moment to the immediate future of our merchant marine. American diesel engine builders should prepare to furnish the necessarily greater powers needed and a compromise in speed must not be made to suit stand- ardized designs of engines of insuffi- a Se t cient power. In other words, the ves- = 1 agit (- sel must not be built around the only \ aa ede : readily available engine a manufac- \ ‘ie ai eee : turer is at present particularly fitted . crit ace ; to turn out. The diesel engine build- | i . Base fe er must have in mind a range of | | | M2. ee fu standardized engines which singly or | a ies at ae in pairs will with the appropriate | So ae ey bane as Al hull be suitable to give a high speed | eee Sete \ fe fe 5 31 freighter of modern type. | IZ 2 aA eae 5F Fl It is with the view of concentrating | Pe=| gee #4 fH attention on the progress European { > =, ae nations are making in modernizing | i ae i their merchant marine that the ac- (ae ase companying illustrations and the fol- co ae gg: G8 f lowing details of construction of the 2 ‘ ae 38 " TOURAINE, a recently completed for- ) iy e eign twin screw Diesel ship is pre- | (ee eg sented. PS me af ana | vii poe Twin Screw Motorship JE me OF Touraine Hee 8 The Wilh. Wilhelmsen Lines, Oslo, { ze Z ! ct Norway, some time ago ordered three ; LAr oe 9600 tons motorships from the Odense | hE ar Steel Shipyard. The first of these ig 7 three sister ships was the M. S. | | lel x TOURCOING which has been in service | = of a ae since October last, and the second ship, | i cl be ee the M. S. TouRAINE, has been com- | / 3 3358 pleted, ‘ran her successful trials and i | | 9! §8i Hai is now in service. The principal di- | | | Bags Fae mensions of the ship are as follows: i : Le ‘came Length between p. p. ft. ins.......435—0 / we Be | Beam, ft. ins. sete ie ssseveecneeesees 56—0 i ee | Depth to maindeck, ft. ins........... 30—6 SS eet Draft, leaded, ft. INS, cccisaccs 28—0 ES Winns ie Gross tonnage, tons ..... ...cccocssseeses 5843 eS — a fi Deadweight. in: tons <..iccaacansccs 9600 — je: i be Capacity in WPAN. CUS FC cccace 586,950 pie ii | Capacity in bales, cu. by Spee 528,685 \ | g be Fuel oil capacity, in tons.............000 1410 | Zz fe Speed at: sea; knOtSickcccscnice 13.6 Constructed to British Lloyds class 100 A.I., of open shelterdeck type with freeboard and strengthened for loading down to 28 feet with closed tonnage openings, the TOURAINE has three com- plete steel decks with exception of the aft hold, where a deep tank for oil is fitted. The decks are supported by a system of girders and pillars with great distance allowing a convenient handling of the cargo in the holds. The engine room is located amidships with three holds forward and two (Continued on Page 54) ES HIE: 1 Vs MG ..TOURAINE”