February, 1926 MARINE REVIEW WORTHINGTON SERVICE TO THE MARINE INDUSTRY oe about eighty years ago as a builder of pumps which at that time nobody thought were wanted, this organization developed the science of pump design and in the meantime erew to be the largest builder of pumps in the world. In erowing the business has expanded its scope until it now includes many types of machinery all more or less closely related to pumping problems. The products listed below are complete lines which give the freedom of choice necessary to secure the best type for each particular application. Marine Field Diesel Oil Engines Condensers Circulating Pumps Vacuum Pumps Boiler Feed Pumps Fire Pumps General Service Pumps Cooling Water Pumps Fuel Oil Pumps Drydock Pumps Cargo Oil Pumps ‘Hydraulic Pressure Pumps Air Compressors Rotary Pumps Worthington service is distributed over the world. The offices in the United States are: ATLANTA. .5.4..3: Wynn Claughton Building KANSAS CITY.............. Scarritt!Building BIRMINGHAM.......... 1725-31 First Avenue LOS ANGELES... .2424-2426 Enterprise Street BOSTON... Boston Safe Deposit & Trust Bldg. NEW ORLEANS........... 533 Baronne Street MUU AIA oe ee, Iroquois Building PHILADELPHIA....... No. American Building CPUC AGO.. oe ea Old Colony Building PITTSBURGH................ Oliver Building CINCINNATI....First National Bank Building ST.LOUIS............. Laclede Gas Building CEREVELAND. Rockefeller Building ST. PAUL................ Commerce Building DALLAS es Magnolia Building SALT LAKE CITY..... Walker Bank Building SIELINY Bas one ok ae 435 Seventeenth Street SAN FRANCISCO........... Sharon Building DPR IVOER oie eds ieee Majestic Building SEATTLE.................. Maynard Building Ry PASO i es eas Mills Building . TULSA.....3°..4..5... 424 North Boulder Street HOUSTON.........Southern Pacific Building WASHINGTON, D. C......... Homer Building WORTHINGTON PUMP AND MACHINERY CORPORATION 115 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY BRANCH OFFICES IN 24 CITIES WORTHINGTON §525-10 Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers