48 WHALING FLEET STATIONED AT VICTORIA day. All vessels over 440 feet in length, requiring keel blocks raised, will be charged $150 for extra pump- ing. When a vessel is docked solely for painting and scraping, or change of, or repair to propeller, tail shafts and liners, rudder pintels or bushes, the ordinary tariff is suspended and the rate is $200 for the first day of docking and ten cents per ton per day for lay days, the time not to exceed four days in all. No charge is made for Sundays and holidays un- less work is done on the vessel. There are first class facilities for outfitting and :repairing ships and _ bunkering either coal or fuel oil, while harbor charges are the lowest on the Pacific Coast. Pilotage is optional. To or from William Head, Royal Roads- or Brotchie Ledge into Victoria or vice versa, a charge is made of 50 cents per foot draft and % cent per net register ton to a maximum of 3500 tons. Regular line vessels calling at Victoria more than once on the same voyage are charged one half the above rates for the second or subse- Iron ore Coal Year gross tons net tons 1925 54,081,298 _ 28,127,359 1924 42,623,572 25,860,515 1923 59,036,704 33,137,028 1922 42,613,726 19,868,925 1921 22,300,726 26,660,652 1920 58,527,226 26,409,710 1919 47,177,395 26,424,068 1918 61,156,732 32,102,022 ONT erescaccbntte 62,498,901 $1,192,613 P91G i iaesas 64,734,198 28,440,483 sessnoavaevdess 46,318,804 26,220,000 Bulk Cargo MovementGrows Shipments on the Great Lakes for 1925 Compared with Other Years Grain, various kinds Stone Total net tons net tons net tons 13,320,346 11,351,948 113,370,707 15,222,787 9,225,624 98,047,327 11,850,446 9,920,422 121,029,004 14,267,020 7,592,187 89,454,848 12,470,405 3,925,705 68,033,575 6,736,348 7,821,980 106,518,531 6,091,703 6,407,285 91,761,238 6,548,680 7,467,776 114,614,018 7,161,716 6,748,801 115,100,399 10,555,975 5,553,927 117,052,686 11,098,815 3,854,106 93,049,981 MARINE REVIEW February, 1926 commission. In fact, Victoria claims to have the lowest port charges of any seaport on the coast. Vessels requiring the services of a pilot from or to Port Townsend will be charged an extra $10.00 if ser- vices are required beyond the inter- national boundary and also $15.00 traveling expenses. And, finally, to show that Victoria is at last beginning to utilize her RECENTLY COMPLETED GIANT DRYDOCK BUILT BY. THE DOMINION GOVERNMENT AT VICTORIA—ONLY 29 FEET SHORTER THAN THE COMMONWEALTH DRYDOCK AT BOSTON quent calls on that voyage. Vessels to or from quarantine, Royal Roads or Brotchie Ledge into any port other than Victoria, Esquimalt and_ the ports on the Fraser river within the Gulf of Georgia, and as far north as Comox are charged $2.00 per foot of draft and $0.01 per ton net register. Ordinary Port Charges Hospital dues, per net ton, payable three BIMES | ANNUALLY a ecccccsccccccvcsnssccsccccvecnedssncceosses $0.02 Harbor dues, payable twice annually.... 7.00 Bill of health © cecvccsecosscssscssecsescsessocceeecosssnncense 1.00 Dockage charge (no cargo landed) for the first 200 tOMS ........crcscccccccceccecccrseescree 4.00 For each additional ton 00% Port charges on vessels over 1000 tons, Oech HALE “YON <ciscsscescescusssesssovsenceveveescossen .00 Port warden, each survey or visit ........ 8.00 The reason that the port charges are so low is that there is no harbor wonderful natural advantages as a port, it will only be necessary to add that the British Columbia Salvage Co. last year had built a specially designed salvage steamer, the SALVAGE KING at a cost of $500,000. This ves- sel has a steaming radius of 10,000 miles and is equipped with all the most modern appliances necessary for successful salvage work. She is recognized as the premier vessel of her kind in the world today. Draftsmen Wanted The New York navy yard has aone 10,000-ton cruiser to build and is there- fore in immediate need of additional hull draftsmen for preparing plans. Positions are open for 4 ship design draftsmen at $8.08 to $10.16 a day; 14 ship detail draftsmen at, $5.84 to $7.60 a day; 9 copyist draftsmen at $4.64 to $5.04 a day. For full in- formation apply to the secretary, Second U. S. Civil Service district, Custom House, New York. Withdraw Towboats The towboats LEOPARD, SAMPSON, DOLPHIN and DONALD G. have been withdrawn from operation in New York harbor because private operators are in position to adequately serve the towing requirements of the harbor.