February, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 49 | POST'S MOTOR MARINE METAL The ideal babbitt-metal tor heavy pressure bearings, crank pins, slides and thrust bearings in all types of STANDA RD marine engines. in the Largest We guarantee our metals to be made 100% of virgin raw SHIP Y ARDS Jah ne the highest grades E. L. Post & Company, Inc. SOLE MANUFACTURERS Specified by Leading Naval Arch- 50 Cliff Street New York City itects and Steamship Companies Three Ann Arbor Ferries Fitted with ENGBERG=— Specified for the Fourth r | ‘HIS clearly and conclusively tells you the experience of the Ann Arbor Rail- road (now A subsidiary of the Wabash) with ENGBERG Marine Generating Sets. pe Similarly, hundreds of the leading Marine Corporations, Superintendents and Opera- es S STANGARD FOR A eeseavice df ting Engineers have found that the many distinctive features in ENGBERG Units are —— more convenient for the operator and guarantee more reliable, economical service. ENGINES Unquestionably such serviceable features result only from years of diligent sendy practical experience, and production of the complete generating sets bya cra ac- GENERATING turer who has made the machines and their application to marine service his main SETS product and life work. The ENGBERG descriptive catalog No. 105 will be interesting and valuable to you. See following issues for detailed descriptions of these distinctive features. ENGBERG’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS, 226 Vine Street, St. Joseph, Mich., U.S.A. GENERATORS MOTORS SWITCHBOARDS Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers