February, 1926 ROBERT E. LEE—A single screw steam tur- bine reduction gear pas- senger ship, in service between New York and Norfolk, Va., carrying passengers and freight. WELIN DAVITS are in use on many of the largest ships afloat. Passenger vessels, freighters, bulk oil vessels, dredges or barges are best pro- tected when Welin equipped. Welin Life Saving Equipment has a reputa- tion among marine men as being modern and dependable. In times of danger officers and crew rely on the high character of its con- struction to meet any emergency. Welin Davit & Boat Corporation 305 Vernon Ave. Long Island City, N. Y. MARINE REVIEW We also manufacture Welin Radio Turning Out Gear, Steel or Wood Lifeboats, Metallic Life Rafts and Balsa Life Floats, Welin Non-Top- pling Blocks, Mills Re- leasing Gear, Steel or Wood Commercial Boats of Standard or Special Design, Welin Electric Boat Winches. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Manufacturers of Marine Water Tube Boilers Since 1895 ws ed Steamer ‘“‘JOSEPH H. FRANTZ’’, The Columbia Steamship Company Equipped with Babcock & Wilcox Water Tube Boilers and Superheaters THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Marine Department 85 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 51