February, 1926 MARINE REVIEW HEAVY WEATH ER STATEN ISLAND SHIPBUILDING COMPANY STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK SHIP & ENGINE BUILDING DRY DOCKING & REPAIRS BRASS & IRON FOUNDRIES 5 ‘ We've floundered off the Texel ee ees ge a igor weg pag noe, Ee Sosy ; eve slipped from Valparaiso suo eas With Be Norther at our heels. DRY DOCKING CAPACITY UP TO 10,000 TONS The Seven Seas When the gale roars through the rigging and the waves run high the staunchness of your craft is put to the test. New York Office: 1 Broadway MAIN OFFICE & PLANT: MARINERS HARBOR, S.I. It is then that good caulking proves its worth. Be sure your oakum is STRATFORD OAKUM It has been keeping the ocean out for nearly a century. It is the best and most eco- nomical caulking material ob- tainable. FUEL OIL Sold and used tnrougnons is the world. BEST BURNED By Use of BURNWELL EQUIPMENT GEORGESTRATFORD OAKUM CO. Jersey City, N. J. VAAN Ss Of ° = at <\ PATTEN ENGINEERING Co.j? 3 Marine and Combustion Engineers___—<— TEN HANOVER ST. ~ NEW YORK CITY ——~—~ Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers