74 MARINE REVIEW equips a fleet The RCA Radio Direction Finder under- went an exhaustive, competitive test on one of the vessels of a large shipping com- pany. Its performance so far exceeded specification that this company is now equipping thirty vessels with RCA Radio Direction Finders. RCA Radio Direction Finders, built on the Super-Heterodyne principle, combine sturdy construction, simplicity of opera- tion, durability and accuracy. They give immediate bearings in any weather. RADIO CORPORATION of AMERICA Marine Department 66 Broad St., New York City BALTIMORE PHILADELPHIA WASHINGTON SAN FRANCISCO ©. LOS ANGELES CHICAGO CLEVELAND BOSTON SEATTLE NEW ORLEANS GALVESTON NORFOLK, VA. HONOLULJ, T.H. MARINE RADIO Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers For Profitable Operation Install the STANDARD pies. ENGINE OIL 61 ft. Tug Phoenix; Capt. Henry Rohde of New York, owner. Fully powered with 6 cylinder 10x14 Standard Oil Engine. THE ONLY Full Diesel Airless Injection 4 cycle En- gine built for direct propulsion in three, four and six cylinder Engines with un- equaled starting effort, making possible the lowest first cost in Diesel Engine installation. Write for full information covering our Diesel Oil Engines Back of the Standard engines is the Standard Motor Construction Co. 184 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J., U.S. A. February, 1926