42 Launch Liner in June (Continued from Page 18) furnished by Babcock & Wilcox. In auxiliary equipment the MALOLO will be furnished in general with Worth- ington pumps. The electric genera- tors will be of Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. manufacture and so will also the main electric switchboard. In deck equipment the lifeboats are being made at the works of the American Brown Boveri Electric Co. successors to the New York Ship- building Corp. The windlasses are being made by the Hyde Windlass Co. of Maine; and the winches by Mur- ray Brothers of San Francisco. The steering engine is being built by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp. Ltd., at its Moore works in Elizabeth, N. J. The bronze propellers will be cast in the Cramp’s shipyard brass foundry and finished in its own shops. The turbines are being built by Cramp’s in their own shops. The shaft forgings are from the Bethle- hem Steel Co. and are also being MARINE REVIEW Although the keel was laid only as recently as May 4 of last. year, the construction of the MALOoLO has pro- gressed to an advanced stage. Ow- ing to her great length the forward frames from No. 1 to No. 16 have not been placed although the long, high nose of the stem is in place and rises high in the air. These frames have been left until the last since, when they go into position the job of handling material from the ground by the overhead cranes will be appreciably slower and more difficult. All other frames are in place and the shell plating competely attached from the stern forward to frame 16. The decking on F deck and G deck is completed. Decking on E deck is practically completed and many plates are already either bolted or riveted on C deck. Work- manship throughout is of the best. Below, the foundation for the powerful turbines in both the port and starboard engine rooms are in an advanced state as well as the bases for the shaft bearings clear March, 1926 of the engine room the boilers have been assembled and erected In the machine shops at Cramp’s work is being pushed on the turbines and condensers and shafting bear- ings, and various auxiliary fittings. The line shafting is approximately 80 per cent completed, while the work in setting the turbine blades both in shells and rotors is in an ex- cellent state of progress. Such is the progress of the MALOLO an event in American shipbuilding— not because it is the building of a ship, swift and big and _ luxurious though she is—but particularly be- cause she is the first passenger ship built in America in. well over two generations that belongs in the little group of the leading ships of the world, and one that.can compare with any ship that has been, or is being put out by any of the great maritime nations of the world. It is in entire seriousness that we suggest that, in the building of this splendid ship, there is the significance that the day of the restoration of the American machined in the Cramp shops. through the shaft tunnels. Forward merchant marine is dawning. 2 z Speed, Pp ower and Fuel for M. S. Gripsholm = = FIRST VOYAGE OUT FIRST RETURN VOYAGE = = Departure: New York pier, Dec. 9, 1925, 12:52 p. m. = = Gothenburg, Nov. 21, 1925, 12 artw = = Wie wie Hew York, Riv. 80, 1925, it's. in. Arrival: Gothen nee, Dec. 18, 1925, + pve orl : = = Combined Power of Main Engines Combined Power of Main Engines = = es j M indicated h for the total voyage... 15,860 = = Hee indicate ae ae tor te ee tatal wovagenn, 16160 Maximum indicated horsepower for the total voyage... 16405 = = é Fuel Consumption Fuel Consumption : = = T i . A nna Total fuel consumption of main engines ..........ccceceeeceeeees 420.1 & = re i es gw ike dag i ae acer a 17.2 PER SBA HGP Roe hcl hotest ccieiomnasteniseliaysibeenissts crs 48.3 = = “ Total fuel consumption of Diesel generators and Diesel ‘Total fuel consumption of Diesel generators and Diesel a = saglg aling REO ee raters cis cg, Lieu. Coates des saubeueasatease4ne Le oe” ee ee ee a = 2 —_— Total fuel of consumption of heating Boller wanes 57.0 Total, fuel, consumption of heating boiler 60 = = Malas rigs ee ee es Gee BE Hate oii. ciadiagsss widwoligsninusecnieateoualas : = = Total, fuel, consumption LEE Sah Ss ine Wit “os bogag a rte alas ial OF rae re eo Ree ree eusaacaes fe = = er OUYS 3 cececesecccevscccccesessteverccesssccssscsssseoscnceneessnesssenceesse ° Average fuel eonsumimiion for all purheses beh 2A boGee 66.00 = = Average fuel consumption for all purposes, per 24 hours 64.75 ‘A 1 all purp p = = h h verage fuel consumption per indicated horsepower hour = = ae oS : saint ae med 0.275 of main. engines. “pound 00 s.h cies an 0.28 = = Sp eed h ssi Knots = = Bap es Se ee ee ‘an ae 16.05 Average speed over the distance measured on the chart 16.75 = = Average speed according to 10g, KNOtS ...csscceececeseneseeeererees 16.35 Average speed According to log vccccccccccsssssscesesssccconsecscsceceescces 16.75 = = Maximum speed for 24 hours, KnNOtS ...ccscsesseeseseerereersees 17.3 Maximum: sneed. “for: 24 — hous: 4s wstcrscsssnecte ssccssrvsccse stoi 16.95 = 2 State of Machinery After Voyages = = D URING the few days in New York all of the well known in the Burmeister & Wain 4-cycle = = machinery was thoroughly inspected including single-acting machinery. There were no coke = = the inside of the cylinders, this being done through deposits, no gummed-up pistons, and the. wear on = = the exhaust valves. Everything was found in com- ‘he cylinder was measured and found to be below = = toe eae oder 1/200 millimeters. S = p | Cok g é ; as ee a The overhaul was easily undertaken by the = = dae te dlatogs ee re © *e- ships’ engine crew during the stay at Gothenburg, = = turn voyage the machinery was again thoroughly nq according to the company’s sailing schedule = = inspected and found to be in complete order. Three the M. S. GripsHoLM left Gothenburg on Jan . = = of the cylinders were opened up for inspection, for her second trip westward. An_ illustrated 2 = and both pistons and cylinders liner were per- description of this vessel was published in the = = fectly clean and had adopted the polished surface January number of MARINE REVIEW. = ENN 0