March, 1926 Dunn Stockless Anchors AMERICAN STEEL FOUNDRIES NEW YORK CHICAGO CHESTER,PA. MARINE REVIEW The Matson Steamer Manoa is one of the nine vessels of this fleet equipped with the Koliter Radio Compass SAFE! With a Kolster Radio Compass! Nine vessels of the Matson Navigation Com- pany” are equipped with the Kolster Radio Compass—SAFE—from the dangers of fog or misty weather. Any one of the vessels of this fleet can, with the aid of the Kolster Radio Compass make port without delay during a dense fog or pe- riods of low visibility -OR—can pass other vessels at sea during stormy or foggy weather. SAFE! Over eighty million dollars in ships—on the seven seas — under fifteen house flags — are protected by the Kolster Radio Compass. Have your vessels this protection? Write now for Bulletin 25 FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO 25 BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK CITY Japan-China Representatives: Sperry Gyroscope Co., Mitsui Building, Tokio \pRAD OTK LLORES Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers 55