56 British Are Doing (Continued from Page 31) AMMEL LAIRD are extending and remodelling their shipbuild- ing yards on the Birkenhead side of the Mersey at a cost of £150,000. The present workshops are to be scrapped and replaced by works ca- pable of building ships 500 feet long, thus meeting competition on _ the Clyde. Five ships up to 350 feet are already on order and 2000 more men will be employed. Cammell Laird on August 31 launched the OxToN, the second of MARINE REVIEW two twin-screw vehicle steamers built for the Birkenhead Corporation for the Mersey service between Woodside and Liverpool. The vessel is 150 feet long and is designed for a speed of 11 knots. * * * WAN HUNTER & WIGHAM RICHARDSON have been __in- structed to build at their Wallsend on Tyne shipyard two twin screw motor vessels for the _ service be- tween Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand for the Commonwealth and Dominion Line. They are prac- tically repeats of the Port-Hobart built last year by the same firm for March, 1926 the same owners. They will be 467 feet in length, 60 feet in breadth, 31 feet in depth, having a dead- weight of 11,600 tons, and a speed of 14 knots when fully loaded. The ships are intended for the carriage of fruit, dairy produce and frozen meat, but will have accommodation for a small number of passengers. One vessel will have opposed pis- ton internal combustion engines to be supplied by William Doxford & Sons, Sunderland and the other Sul- zer engines furnished by the Wallsend Slipway & Engineering Co., Wallsend on Tyne. Another similar vessel is likely to be ordered. Ocean Freig ht Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to Feb. 18, 1926 on Future Loadings NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH BUSINESS FAIR New York General cargo ttFinished REMARKS _ From North Pacific Lumber to Grain Provisions (H. D.) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... 2s Od $0.50 $0.30 0.20 $0.40 $0.75 $7.00T Spotty San Francisco........... $5.00 London oes eeas 2s Odt 0.50 wustene 0.20 0.40 0.75 7.00T Spotty South California......... 5.00 to 6.00 Osloc ivi $0.20 0.45 0.50 0.27 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Good Hawaiian Islands........ 10.00 to 12.00 Copenhagen... 0.20 0.45 0.40 0.26 0.42% 0.85 7.00T Good New Zealand........... 16.00 to 18.00 Hamburg...... 0.12 0.35 0.35 0.20 0.37% 0.75 8.00T Good SV UNEVia se ose cso 13.50 to 14.00 Bremen...... A 0.10 to 0.12 0.35 0.40 0.20 0.37% 0.75 8.00T Fair Melbourne-Adelaide..... 13.50 to 14.00 otterdam an : Ne ote 0.32% 0.45 0.20 0.35 0.70 7.50T oe ease Hares aye Antwerp...... 0.10 0.32% 0.35 0.20 0.35 0.70 L50%: Rair oo. orts (logs)..... ae to 17.00 Havre......--. 0.14 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0.75 8.00T Sloe ae eae 14.00 Bordeaux...... 0.14 0.50 0.35 0.27% 0.40 0.75 8.00T Slow ja TIGA rec a as ie to 18.00 Barcelona..... sees 12.00T 0.30 10.00 ti 60000 S.00r Fels yang a ° Lisbon... 1.2%. 0 20 0.65 0.40 7.00T 20. 00T— 7.00T Pees a i ao Se a Marseilles..... 0.15 0.55 0.30 6.00 —20.00T— 5.00T Poor Sng es om (ties)... shay at ae Genoa, oS: 0.12 12.50 0.40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T God (aan hag ts doe Wes 0.12 12.50 0.40 7.00 —20.00T— 10.00T Goo ee Ngee. Constantinople. 0.27 17.00T 0.75 0.40 —20.00T— 9.00T Fair real icra NN Goo ci: awe Alexandria..... 17.00T 0.96 0.40 —20.00T— 9.00T Pair Flour and Wheat Algiers........ ste 0.75 0.50 0.40 —20.00T— 7.00T Hair ne Sn ee Daye. ae 15.00 14.00T at ooT_- 10.50T eo 5 sada ea Bian ce awa s to 33s 6d Coen 9.00T 18.00 12.00T 18. 00T-— 18.00T re riental Ports (net tons). $4.25 to 4.75 Buenos Aires... 20.00T sais —20.00Tt 8.80T Good **Rio de Janeiro 20.00 to 22.00T 8.80 to 8.00T 20.00 to 22.00Tt 7.00to7.70Tt Good Pernambuco... sees 22.00T 9.00T —22.00T—ft 9.70Tt Goad Havana... 5 sic 0.22% to 0.27 4* 0.4214* sites 0.224* 0.61* 1253" 10. 20* Very good Vera’.Cruz.)... 0.25 0.40 0.45 0.25 0.524% 1.05 0.30 to 0.35 Very good Valparaiso..... 1.07 0.70 0.45 0.80 10.00T Very good San Francisco.. 0.40 to 0.70 ee ee 0.50 to 1.10 ena Bee 0.30 to 1.00 Good Sydney... +>. 18.00T 1,25 1.18T 18.00-24.00T 9.00-12.00T Fair @alcuttac. 2s: 14.00T 0.70 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair a 5 Ibs. ded. imi i * at tere cn al ales to He de Jonchn ol ascony ot ores eh maariate Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom 8 d i i ited Kingdom.,. ig i i i ea chute i a ee Men take Coal, United Kingdom eee Claes ‘i oor 0 Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff......... ben es Ob Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia.... $3.90. Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... 11 0 Nore: Lighterage rates on fuel in New York reduced from 64% to 5c “ per barrel. Bunker Prices At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports Fuel oil Diesel i . : ; ects alongside oil slehende: trim. ue Hees Sees Boston, coal, per ton...$7.14 per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel Bet yallon Boston, oil, f. a. s., per June 4, 1925 5.00@6.00 1.8634 —$.50c June 4, 1925 4.90@3.50 1.8636 5.50c SATRSIN Sri veseetna 5 alate July 20..... 4.90@6.00 1.75 5250 July 20,..... 4.90@3.50 1.69@1.81% 5.15@5.43 ik a ag el TV ee 00@6.00 1.71% 5.50 Kage 5.00@5.80 1.56@1.7114 35115 @3.29 ton, f-o.b., piers... +. 5.75 f.0.b, Sept. 19 5150@6.00 1.7134 5.00 Sept. 19 5.25@3.50 1.55@1.6134 300° Feb. 9 — Cardiff, coal. per Oct. 17...., $.00@6.00 1.70% $100 Oct. 17.5... 3.25 @3.30 1.71}4@1.7434 3.15 @3.65 ie er ee A ad Nov. 1 . 5.50@5.6 1.70% 5.00 Nowl8 aks 5.40@5.65 1.7114 @1.7414 Se er London, coal, per ton..25s 0d Dec. 18; ,..; 5.60 1.7044 5.00 Dec. 18..... 5.15@5.50 1.71@1.7416 4189@3.13 Antwerp, coal, per ton.21s 6d Fane Qs. 5.50@6.25 ek es ee any 20su ving 5.50@6.25 1.71@1.79° 5'00@3.63 esnebela ae oil, per ton. 77s 6d Feb. 18, 1936 5.60@5.80 "8014 Feb. 18,1926 5.80 1.78@1.861g 3:14@550 fe once