4 MARINE REVIEW March, 1926 RR é rT ee ‘, ee ees, CO ra Gargoyle Marine Oils can be purchased in more than 300 of the leading - ports of the world. Into and out of ACH harbor has its own naviga- tion problem—but all ports are alike in one respect: they all have supplies of Gargoyle Marine Oils on hand for every ship and for every type of engine. This world-wide lubrication service is based upon world-wide demand. It is a fact that more ships call for Gargoyle Marine Oils than for any other brand of marine lubricants in the world. Seas LIL] ay, LITT LOLI LL T DERE Tey LOR By Getty Oty 28, ’ LOL LET Port of New York. First of world’s twelve leading ports based upon tonnage cleared 1924. all leading ports —fewer repairs and replacements —savings in horsepower —savings in oil consumption Experienced representatives of the Vacuum Oil Company are always glad to prescribe the correct lubri- cation for every type of engine. They can also explain, in detail, the practi- cal advantages of the special Marine Purchasing Agreement. This planen- ables ship owners to arrange for de- Engineers on the Seven Seas liveries in foreign ports while have proved that the use of % making payments in home these high-grade oils results in: BESS ports in native currency. Marine Oils A grade for each type of service VACUUM OIL COMPANY “2##2— NEW YORK USA. Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers