March, 1926 MARINE REVIEW 63 STATEN ISLAND SHIPBUILDING Lundin Life Boats COMPANY Saved Crew of Antinoe STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK SHIP & ENGINE BUILDING DRY DOCKING & REPAIRS BRASS & IRON FOUNDRIES DRY DOCKING CAPACITY UP TO 10,000 TONS “4 HE Lundin boat is an all metal, broad, shal- New York Office: 1 Broadway low lifeboat, so buoyed up with air tanks as to be almost unsinkable. Capt. Fried of the MAIN OFFICE & PLANT: MARINERS HARBOR, S.I. President Roosevelt attempted to use none of the other lifeboats hanging on the davits and without the LUNDIN LIFEBOATS, an innovation of the last decade, Capt. Fried might have been forced to stand powerless on the bridge and watch the freighter go down with all hands. This is a sincere and authoritative endorsement that the ‘“‘Lundin’’ may be accepted universally as the lifeboat for the heaviest seas. In rescuing the sailors of the Italian freighter Ignazio Florio three months ago, Capt. Grening of the President Harding also used Lundins exclusively. Chief Officer Miller spoke with unrestrained en- thusiasm of the Lundin boat, and one of the Roosevelt’s passengers, a veteran of many cross- ings, insisted that no other type of lifeboat could have lived in the waves between the American and British liners.”’ FUEL OIL BEST BURNED B y Use of BURNWELL EQUIPMENT Welin Davit & Boat Corp. 305 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. Z Marine and Combustion Engineers___=E 4 TEN HANOVER ST. ~~ NEW YORK CITY ————~ Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers