March, 1926 ssifiec MARINE REVIE w 73 ivertisements For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 10th of the month. | Opportunity | LEARN DRAFTING AND LAYING OUT! Utilize the long Winter evenings by taking an Official Course of Study that will increase your opportunities next Spring, Summer and Fall. For 15 years we have trained men for Special duties and promotions. Our Courses are com- prehensive and to the point. WE TEACH YOU IN YOUR OWN HOME, PERSONAL, CLEAR, DIRECT. Our School Directory sent free to interested parties. Indicate your Course when writing. STEEL SHIP DRAFTING BOILER ENGINEERING AND LAYING OUT BUSINESS EXECUTIVE COURSES HEATING VENTILATING ENGINEERING MECHANICAL AND MACHINE DRAFTING ST. LOUIS TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 4548 Clayton Av. St. Louis, Mo. Wanted WANTED—TOW BARGE TO CHARTER TO carry dry cargo on Lake Erie points, Welland Canal size preferred. Address Box 370, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. WANTED Derrick Scow—shallow draft—25 ton capacity derrick. Pile Drive Scow. Lighter approxi- mately 30 x 110 x 9’. Tug—shallow draft. Engine 18 x 18 or larger. Address Box 371, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. EL —— ——————————— WANTED: HEAVY USED ANCHOR winches, worm gear. State price and descrip- tion. Leathem D. Smith Dock Company, Box & Sturgeon Bay, Wis. We ALUUTEUUSENUUAGQOGQGQQ0QQ00000000QUOUUOUOEOUUOAOUENEEEOEOLGEOOQUOGQOGUUOOOUGOUOOOOUOAEEEEEUERGENANEUOLLQOOCUUUAUUOUOUUUTTECEEENGGUALEAOEN EAA ULATION UML LLL ULLAL LLL Help Wanted Advertisements 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.00 Please have remittance accompany order, . For Sale FOR SALE OCEAN GOING STEEL TUG 1000 H. P. Length 140 ft. Beam 26 ft. Draft 16.5. A-1 Condition. Ready for Service Pontin Lighterage & Transportation Corp. 90 West St., New York City FOR SALE: WOODEN STEAMER, “PET- col’? 290 ft. long, 40 ft. beam, rating 85 CF, Boilers 165 lbs. steam, 8 hatches 12 x 30, Hoppered. Economical on coal. Midwest Trans- SOA aes Company, 1518 Buhl Bldg., Detroit, Mich. DREDGING BUSINESS FOR SALE, 2 dredges, 2 tugs, 10 scows, 3 coal boats. Exam- ine equipment and make me offer. Room 5, 68 Chapel St., Albany, N. Y. FOR SALE—107 FOOT FREIGHT, PAS- senger and Excursion Steamer, eighty-seven gross tons. MORGAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, TRAVERSE CITY, MICHIGAN. FOR SALE: TOW BARGE 173 FT. LENGTH, 80 ft. breadth, 13 ft. depth; gross tonnage 524, net tonnage 487. O. W. Blodgett, 602 North Madison Avenue, Bay City, Mich. AU IININLUITUUITAUUOUUOUUOUUNLUOUOEUOOUEUOUUUEUEUUUUUEROEEUEUOE ULES What have YOU to sell? If you have a steamer, freighter, tug, barge or any other floating property, or ship equipment— Tell the thousands of vessel owners and operators who read MARINE REVIEW what you have to interest them. Now is a good time to let them know, don’t you think? Our suggestion is that you put a little advertisement in the February issue of MARINE REVIEW—right here on this page—where it will be seen by those who want to buy. Better make sure your advertisement is mailed right now if you want it to appear in the February issue. It goes to press January 20. MARINE REVIEW—Cleveland MMM = | For Sale | FOR SALE: STEAMER HIAWATHA, length 98 ft. O. A., breadth 24 ft., capacity 300 passengers. Suitable for passenger ferry or small freight business. In service at pres- ent time. Exceptionally economical to oper- ate. Port Huron & Sarnia Ferry Co., Port Huron, Michigan. FOR’ SALE: STEAMER LAWRENCE, length 95 ft. O. A., breadth 25 ft., suitable for ferry, freight or passenger business. Ca- pacity 416 passengers and fifteen automobiles. In service at the present time—in A-1l condi- tion. Very economical to operate.—Port Huron & Sarnia Ferry Co., Port Huron, Michigan. FOR SALE—STEAM TUG “JOSEPHINE” 46 gross tons—length 56’ Beam 17’—Depth 8’. Steel hull and house. Steam steering gear— Vertical noncondensing engine 16’ diameter cylinder by 18’ stroke. One Scotch boiler 10’ long x 84” diameter. This tug is in very good repair, with new wheel and stern bearing refilled and repaired throughout. It may be inspected at Orleans Street Dock, Detroit Michigan. Sealed proposals will be opened on March 18th, 1926 at 11:00 A. M. If interested, write for full bidding particulars to William J. Black, Commissioner, Dept. Purchases & SoppHes, 710 Marquette Bldg., City of De- roit. FOR SALE—6 NEW 7% K.W. ENGBERG 110 volt, Marine Engine Generators, direct con- nected to 6 x 5’’ Engberg self-oiling Engine. Units complete with rheostats. Immediate shipment. Attractive Price. by Standard Steam Winch & Hoist Co., 24 State Street, New York City. SRUVUUUUILUULEUQQOQNU00UQUUUUULLLUULTEGELUSOOOQQOUGUOUOEUOUOESEOEEGOOQOGQOOOOOOOUO OOO EGEUGNOOGOOUOOOUUUOOAUOUPUCEGOANGUGQOOOOOUOOEOOOAUEROSESOEAUAANL Please mention MARINE REVIEW when writing to Advertisers