Thorkote—A Perfect Protective Coating Permanently Guards Against Corrosion Every problem in the marine field requiring a protective agent against corrosion is solved by Thorkote— pure asphalt, emulsified in water. It may be applied by brush, trowel, or spraying. The water soon evapo- rates, leaving behind a coating possess- ing the pliability and imperviousness to all corrosive agents which have made asphalt the most dependable protective material since the begin- ning of history. Thorkote is watertight and rustproof. Its use gives complete and perma- nent protection for Boilers, Tanks, Coolers, Bulkheads, Stacks, Decks, Cofferdams, Hulls, Tail Shafts, Bunk- Deck lines in the past have been left uninsulated because there was no ical i f he i lation. Y i lat deck 1 lines. caver with Thorkote. and profit by the fuerenvings to be desived: ers, and numerous other marine Ilustration shows S.S. Hagood, with deck lines protected by Thorkote. purposes. The Thorkote Products Co. Inc., A long list of satisfied users furnished 135 Liberty Street, New York City on request. e DEAN BROS. ra : Combination Counter & Telltale MARINE Officially approved as conforming to Emergency Fleet Technical Order No. 104 P U M Pp S IMMFDIATE DELIVERIES Have the inbuilt Qualities of long life. Users Testify. Continuous Rotary eight figure large numeral counter with no trouble- some reciprocating parts. Countershaft geared down | to 10 of main shaft. Positive counter with adjustable friction-drive telltale, 9-inch dial. Same hardened steel counter as used by U. S. navy on all destroyers, battleships, etc. : To determine R. P. M. hold watch in one hand and telltale on zero with other hand, release and stop atter interval of 60 seconds. We also furnish driving mechanism from main shaft to counter. Cummings Machine Works 255 Atlantic Ave. BOSTON, U.S. A. Specify Dean Pumps DEAN BROS. C0. |NDIANAPOLIS. ESTABLISHED 1869 Branch Offices in New York & San Francisco MaRINE Review—April, 1927 103